
Book review critic hates the word RICH??

Book review critic hates the word RICH?? I was minding my own business and I get this interesting email notification on my cell: book cretic leaves comment on an Amazon forum. So of course being the curious type I just had to read it. This is what this Amazon critic had to say about my book: “Despite your books good intentions – your title is boring.” What? I was literally floored – who is this person and what do they mean by my book title is boring? My first reaction was to want to rant: who the hell do you…… (“Expletive language” not appropriate for a person like me) – But I didn’t. So I did the next best thing, I wrote back to this critic asking what suggestions they might have to improve the title of my children’s book: for children how to become Rich, Successful and Do well in school. An hour later I get a response which basically says: It is not my job to tell an author what his title to his book should be that is up to them. But the use of the word “Rich” in your title