Several Photos of Children Back to School Bash

The Children "Back To School Bash" was a great opportunity for the childrens ministry to help other children and provide the community with much needed school supplies. The children Ministry [ all the children working together - and raising all the funds needed ] prepared 108 fully packed with school supplies bookbags. More than 77 children registered to recieve a book bag full of supplies - even arounf 2 pm when the event was ending, people were still ariving to recieve a Free book bag of supplies.
There were 108 bag ready paid for and prepared by Children Ministry

children school supplies Sgt Monica Sauls from the Sheriffs department was there to meet the children and give away coloring books on safety and badges.

Sgt. Monica SaulsThe Kids loved the Real Sherif's patrol car! sherrif dept at childrens eventChildrens Pastor Mrs June tried to rap - if you call it that...LOL childrens pastor Some of the children being handed thier FREE book bag with Supplies children Pastor children school suppliesThats a lot of KIDS !!! HchildrenHere's a clip of the Children friendly Christian Rap show


Anonymous said…
Just to make a minor correction: the kids put together 120 backpacks....... and I thought that I sounded great when I rapped...... ok maybe not but the kids sure found it funny.. and I know that I won't quit my day job...
Anonymous said…
Nice photos..! Well, Back to School Bash is really the best opportunity for the children ministry to help other children.

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