
Showing posts with the label barack

Obama - to soon to Say: I told you ???

Is it too soon to say - " I told you so " Do you need money, cash - like now? Are you depending on Obama and the “new deal” - the promise of a better government to come help you out? Before - Obama, became president - I had an interesting discussion [ almost heated debate ] about my dislike to Obamas double speak and lies [ yes I said lies ]. I said there is no way he can do want he promises and that his tax cuts [ only tax the rich crap ] was crap and that it would be a tax on people like you and me and the poor. Ofcourse I was shot down accussed of being a Obama hater and all that. So - is it to early to say - “I told you so!” … ? So much for change - didn’t I tell you Sis that one man can’t do it all - it takes congress to change as well. Oh, and he is already bowing to their whims… All hail bigger Government - here they come to save us… Please read - [ Be it noted, all income groups might have to contribute at some point — details to follow: Page 27 of the O-plan observe

Obama mocking christians - isn't he one to....

Look, I am not questioning your belief. Weather you believe in God or not. Weather you are Christian, catholic , evangelical, Baptist or not... I am not talking about that. And I hate making post about Obama especially if it looks like I am attacking him unjustly - but with that said - He says he is a candidate for change ... but he seems to be using the “old good old boy - politics as usual” tactic.... He says one thing to you and another to someone else. He says he is this for you and turns and says he is something else to someone else. He seems to play what ever card needed to win your approval but really stands for nothing?? Don't take my word for it. He goes to church, he says he is a Christian [ Christians believe in the bible as the truth and nothing but the truth ] and yet in the video below he seems to be mocking not only Christians, his own beliefs but the bible as well ??? I tell my children "say what you mean and mean what you say". I tell my children to be o