
Showing posts with the label campain

Obama, Kindergartin, sex - what the hell?

Is Obama a retard. Do I look stupid. Why in God's green earth would you want to teach my kindergartin son or duaghter [ age 5 ] about sex - or approve legislation that would approve teaching sex education to a 5 year old. Quote: " The Obama campaign has complained especially about an ad that declares Obama supports sex education for kindergartners. He supported legislation that would teach age-appropriate sex education to kindergartners, including information on rejecting advances by sexual predators." Today on the presidential campaign trail Monday, September 15, 2008 5:43 AM EDT The Associated Press By The Associated Press Look, I don't care how you slice it, dress it up or paint it. I don't need the government getting involved in when is the right time to teach my five year old about sex. I don't care if your saying your using it as a tool to fight against perverts - why don't you do something about the laws that lets those perverts get away with molest