
Showing posts with the label silly pictures

What children do online, they should be banned

Ok, I've been very, very - did I say very? Well, I have been very busy and I am trying to catch up on my blogging. Much of my blog past are about my family, the funny things they do [ or what I consider funny - wife does not get my humor... ]. But all in all I create art [ you call it comics ], I write about the kids and sometimes about serious thing and occassionally I rant about politics [ don't get me started. But this post is going to be about my baby girl. You see, my kid and her friends do some very strange things. I remember once asking her what she was doing on the house phone. Apparently all her friends wanted to figure out how many people could they get on one call - so each friend did a three way call with some one else and she proudly exclaimed: "Dad, we're up to 20 people on one call - this is cool!" .. I cut that short. Another time I found her and her friends trying to see how many people could answer [ comment ] on someones page. She told me they w

Summer is Gone, time for wild hair

Summer is Over, Time for Wild Hair So summer is over and school has started once again. But my son who use to love having a spiky hairstyle, he now wants nothing less than the [yuk] Justin beiber look. It's killing me to watch him comb his hair. This morning I figured I would bother him and I took a picture of him with his hair "gone wild"... He didn't care. He just went on with hair like nothing. Oh I have this terrible urge to give him a buzz cut as he sleeps. Really, would it be wrong of me if he just happens to wake up next morning to find that half of his head is shaved clean? This child of mine is amazing and annoying all at the same time.