
Showing posts from December, 2008

Universal Studios Theme Park Florida - oh what fun

We went to Universal Studios with the kids - it has changed alot since the last time I was there - I hate the entrance to Universal Studios [ Florida ] - love the preferred parking [ though it cost $17 bucks ] and love what they've done with most of the park at Universal Studios. They've changed the earthquake ride [ atleast the intro - but the ride itself is still the same. They got rid of the back to the future ride and put in the Homer Simpson ride - but all in all - nice place to take the kids]... Oh, just be prepared to spend lots and lots of money - a six slice whole pizza at Universal Studios with four drinks and 2 cookies cost me about thirty bucks - and I had to go back and buy two more slices at $3.99 a piece... boy do these kids have to cut down on eating when we're at this park.... Another surprise - go to the universal studios group ticket booth to buy your entrance ticket - it took me all of five minutes to buy my tickets and enter the park.... while I walked ...

Wild Christmas party Pt 2

Awe nothing like the holidays and a good old fashion wild Christmas Eve party to get going with the end of the old year and starting the new... You can always tell how your New Years eve party is going to turn out [ good or bad ] by how your Christmas Eve party ends up being. And seeing as how this Christmas Eve party was a wild Hispanic "get down, get down" bash - I expect the New Years Eve party to be a blast... nothing like the holidays..... Party, Party, Party, man I've got to work tommorrow..... grrrr... Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, the party was fun but you'll soon be out on the street.... oh christmas tree see you next year at the christmas eve party you'll be.......

Wild Party - Hispanic Christmas Eve

Maybe it was the eggnog, or just the atmosphere of the people around us - but when people celebrate Christmas - hey no one gets down with the spirit like the Hispanic people at this party did. Forget the utile log and caroling - Just take a look at the video below - talk about a wild time at the old Christmas party.... how do you like the dance moves..... Wild Hispanic Christmas Eve Party The christmas party was fun, the dancing was not so bad and there were no alcohol drinking around - too bad I didn't get the competitive bingo contest - watching grown women all excited about playing bingo so they can win some exciting Christmas prizes was the best part of the whole night! Happy Merry Christmas.... Hope your party was as good as this one. I have to get some more pictures out of the camera - that Christmas party and this years holidays festivities gave me alot of stuff to process and maybe some good stuff for the blog.

Funny pictures of the Family

If you see this man - don't let him into your kitchen!

Kids - show and tell

Show and tell One of the favorite things my son likes to do in school is - participate in "show and tell". Sometimes I think he spends the whole week thinking about what he will bring to school on friday for show and tell. One night he was searching around and under the couch [ don't ask cuase I don't know ] and he told me he found the perfect show and tell item.... what you ask? Well, a green slimy frog. That's right a frog. Some how a frog sneaked into my house and under my couch and my curiouse son found him [ bad for the frog ]. The funny thing about it was what I did not get to catch on video - it was halariouse watching him trying to pick the frog up and hold it while the slimmy little thing kept jumping up into the air. I don't know why, but first it was a mouse running around my house, I have this small dog visiting and now, I have a frog.... is this some kind of Biblical plegue????

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