Camping Pictures from Kelly Park, Florida

Well, finally got around to developing all the hundreds of camping pictures we took - well, my wife developed them, I just paid for it. Man there were a lot of camping pictures........ can you say expensive! But here goes... if you like camping, enjoy the pics. If your thinking of going camping - I say go for it. Camping is the best way to vacation and spend quality time with your family. A Pictures is a thousand words - here they are.. Nice, and cold slow river well, we are in the wild enjoying nature calm just before they almost drown in the river almost 2 weeks living in that ?? camping is not camping without a bike hey, who said you can have fun one of those stagged pic opps my wife loves years of evolution and I still have trouble making a fire I have about 200 pictures from camping, I'd show them all but it's just to much darn work. Hope you enjoyed the pics and yes, the camping site was great - ever want to try it - it's kelly Park in Florida.