The Hunger Games - Is the "Movie" all that? Review
The Hunger Games - Is the "Movie" all that, damn straight it is! The Hunger Games , the Movie - is it all that - damn straight it is! If you go by the hoopla and the box office numbers - it's the best thing ever. I admit it, I went to see it on its first day – on the ticket line to see the movie I read about how it made $19 million during its midnight showing the night before [ impressive ]. But does this make it a great movie or just the only good thing that was available? Did the hype build up suspense and is it only the teenagers and the pre-teens that made this blockbuster turn out so big? The reason I bring it up is because the only reason why I saw this movie was: 1- It seemed action pack compared to other movies and it gave me the twilight kind of vibe [ yes I liked twilight, I favor the last three so far, but enjoyed the books more ]. 2- My daughter insisted on watching this movie over the Lorax - she is 14 what do you expect and again, she is a big fan of Twiligh...