Encourage child to Read More - interesting ideas
Encourage child to Read More Children need a reason to do anything. Ask them to read and they may have a look that undoubtedly says “must be crazy”. But if you ask them to play a video game, now that they will love to do - don't even have to ask them twice. It’s instinctive, fun is usually not related with reading, with learning and that may be a difficult thing to change in a child. Working in the school system I have learn a few tricks to share here today. Visit Our YouTube Channel: Mr Medina TV Be a leader. The natural instinct of a child is to follow, so in order to a child to follow, there must be a leader. The younger the child is the easier it is in the long run, but reading should be part of the whole and should be cheered on by other. By this example of reading, being the instigator of reading or by simply reading or creating stories before bed time will create interest and help foster the idea in a child’s mind that if everyone likes it – it must be fun. Read ...