
Showing posts with the label advice

Parenting: Things I hate about you

Parenting: Things I hate about you [ wife & kids ] Parenting is a give and take kind of thing. For all the things your kids give you - love, joy, hope... any real parent knows that there is a lot that parenting takes away from you. So to be fair I thought I would mention some of the things I hate about you [ kids & wife ]. I know parenting deals with kids - but since the significant other is part of the parenting process - I thought I would include her. .... LOL Stealing Hot Water : As any parent knows getting your kids ready in the morning is a chore - but I hate cold showers and it doesn’t matter if I’m first in the shower or not - some how they find away to steal all of my hot water. If it’s not washing dishes, it’s turning on the washer - it’s always something - I hate cold showers I said..... Wet Towels: It never seems to amaze me [ it annoys me ] but it’s never a surprise to find that all the towels in the bathroom are wet. Not humid or moist - I mean wet... If I forget ...

Is Mom a Pole Dancer ??? always check homework

Is Mom a Pole Dancer? I got this in my email this morning - I think it's so funny - children I tell you. Mom explians child's Homework - always check your childs homework .... VERY FUNNY !!! (Here's the reply the teacher received the following day) Dear Mrs. Jones, I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer. I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn't show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot. From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in. Sincerely, Mrs. Smith

Who wants to Buy two kids - cheap !!!!

Oh, I must be stupid.... I thought that the easiest thing to do with two children who fought over the Ds game was - to simply buy my son his own game. After all - then they would each have thier own game and the fighting would stop. No, not so. Now they fight about the DS consoles and the games. First my duaghter wanted to see [ see means use his blue boyish game] which my son didn't want to do becuase blue is for boys only [ considering he has been playing her pink girlish game for months. Now they spend thier time fighting over the games - dinner dash, indiana jones, sims kingdom and how my son [ who granted is not proficient in setting games up ] keeps erasing his sisters memory [ it may be on purpose who knows....] All this fighting and they each have thier own DS game - wow, that $130 dollars on my sons own DS that was suppose to make life easier - only made it worse. Maybe I could make my money back - is anyone interesting in buying two slightly used children. Thier great ki...

Saving Money at Walt Disney world guide - helpful or Rip off ????

How do you Save money while at Walt Disney World magic Kingdom? Dad needs to save money and yet have a nice Family Disney Vacation - I know you might think it's just me being cheap, or that the economy is so bad that every penny counts [ you are right! ]... In away I just want to give my family an experience they'll remember and that won't put us in the poor house. Yes I'm still planning on taking the family to walt Disney World - visit the "House of Mouse" Mickey Mouse that is. I just don't want Walt Disney to break my house - you know marriages break up over finances - children need food, Right Walt, Disney is fun but if it destroys a family - what good is it. Ofcourse in my search for saving money I ran across an interesting web site - It offers you a guide on how to save money on your dream vacation to Walt Disney world. And while the Magic is about the Magic Kingdom - the cost of $19.99 for this "Save money at Walt Disney World guide" is not...

Making Politics simple for Elleven year old ??

How do you make politics simple enough for an eleven year old to understand - turn the TV off! Really, it’s hard enough explaining life and the every day things to your kids - why would a teacher give my child an extra credit assignment that requires her to stay up late past her bed time to watch something she has no knowledge or concept of? I was going to watch the Vice Presidential debate anyway - but it’s hard to really listen to the debate when your eleven year old child who wants to do good in school is asking you “what does that mean?” “why did they say that?”. How can I hear the issues when I’m busy explaining to my child why Biden said he opposes fraud from the mortgage companies, the big oil companies and how Obama will stop that [ despite that fact that Obama was taking kick backs from Freddie Mac and Fannie May when they were committing the fraud???] But hey - thank you teacher for making my day a bit more interesting! One good thing came out of last nights debate as I watch...

Protecting the universe one Soldier at a time

Here I am trying to spend some quality time with my son before I have to go to work and all he wants to do is play halo. It's sad really - because I'm the one who got him hooked on playing halo. But I guess spending some time with him killing aliens and defending the universe from a horde of evil Aliens is better than not spending time with him at all. The odd thing is he takes his command so seriously - I mean he is only four years old and he is concerned about the men that follow him in the game. He has figured out that they can die and that he can do something to save and protect them. He just insist on making sure his fellow soldiers are doing good. He doesn't want to go to the next level unless he can protect his fellow men [ and women - they have female characters in the game]. The odd thing is, when he plays as the alien, he doesn't care who dies - his fellow alien horde could drop by the thousands and he lets them - but let one of his fellow human being soldiers...

Life, marraige, kids - is it what you thought?

Some times I can’t help but wonder- is this really my life? Is this what I really wanted? What about my marriage, my kids - me??? Yeah life throws you some curve balls and your spouse and kids can drive you up the wall….. But then I think of all the laughs, jokes, fun and good times we’ve had and shared - and say … what a waste -- no, just joking. I can’t imagine my life any better with out them. Especially without my boy and girl…life wouldn’t be the same without them. So just incase your having a "need a smile" day - hear is an old marriage joke I revised and turned into art..

Parenting Advice: REACH FOR YOUR GUNS !!!!

Parenting Advice: REACH FOR YOUR GUNS !!!! Before you think my “Parenting Advice” is abusive or comes from the NRA [ national riffle association ] handbook let me just say - it’s a figure of speech. My parenting advice is meant to [ Mom or dad - best both ] have a plan of action. Let me tell you a little story - here I am walking thru the grocery store and I notice a Mom with a small child [ looks to be 4 yrs old ] and she seems to be loosing it. Her kid is not listening to her, he is embarrassing her and she seems to be frozen - unsure what to do. Me, I would have smacked him up side the head [ figure of speech people ] and put and end to it. But many people think different. I had people say they don’t hit their child in public because they don’t want people talking [ clarification - nosy people calling child services ]. Some have told me that they just talk to their children they don’t hit them... Others - they just freak - their so embarrassed that their kid is acting up in public ...

Did I see the liitle Mermaid ?

This summer we've had a lot of rain, so when the sun comes out - it doesn't matter whats happening - it's a good time to go swimming. I personally don't like spending to much time in the sun, but you just can't help taking a nice cool dip. Hey, did I just see a mermaid?

Crash Proof - facing America's recession

I've been terribly sick the last four days and so while bed ridden - lets just say I've watched way to much tv. Especially on the possible recession that America is facing, may face and has the government working so hard to avoid. I have to say, I don't know about you, but I find myself working harder everyday trying to find new ways to cut back on my expenses. I don't know why the news, our government - for that matter we the people don't realize that America - the real America is already in a recession. Crash Proof Book As I laid in bed sneezing, coughing and hacking up - well you know…I watched the news talk about how high gas prizes have effected travel and how the 911 terrorist laws make it difficult for foreigners to come to America to spend their money. I read in the news paper about county budget cuts, I read this morning how New Jersey wants to cut thousand of state jobs in one swoop. I don't think we're facing a possible recession, I think America...

I need a secret Hug ??

Personally, I don’t like all the huggy huggy thing. I personally reserve hugs for family and special friends. I would also like to add that I would prefer that my daughter stay at least fifteen “Hundred” feet away from boys. But this is ridiculous - to ban hugs??? I thought it was funny at first till I read in the news paper that it wasn’t only this school in Fossil hill that banned hugging in school. From Bend, Ore., to Oak Park, ill., to Des Moines, Iowa, to Orlando Florida schools are banning hugs. And the excuse - that it causes congestion in the hall ways - well, tell the kids to move along and not be late but banning hugs??? Hey, I personally would prefer my little girl would never hug a boy and never marry till I was dead - but that’s not going to stop her.. Some believe this ban is due to fear of sexual harassment or worst - sexual activity. Give me a break - first, teach your child correctly and hope they do the right thing. Second, like it or not if they want to “do it” they ...

Growing up to fast for me

You know your child is growing up when they start to do more and more things for themselves. It’s a great feeling and a relief. I remember I couldn’t wait for the potty training so we could lose the diapers. Then I couldn’t wait for him to be able to go to the bathroom on his own. Now he wants to do everything on his own - very independent little guy. He says he wants to brush his teeth, take a bath, use the bathroom, even get dressed on his own. Just one question son: “Why are you wearing your big sisters pajama shorts? Don’t grow up to fast, I’ll miss you needing me. Update: 2012 January 21 My son is now 8 years old, wow how time flies by. He is still as cute as a button and a very independent person. He has learned how to ham it up to use his cuteness to get people to do things for him. He still has the same face, big head [ all kids do ] and attitude. I love that kid.

Am I a cool or Bad Parent ???

You know my kids have a cool parent, because I am a video game buff. When my daughters friends talk about Halo - Hey I am up with that. After all, I am an old-timer [ can’t believe I said that]. I was there when the first Atari video game console came out, I bought the second game console ever created “Collico”. Then came Nintendo, sega , sega genesis, super Nintendo, Playstation, X-box , the Wii and all the upgraded versions on the now current top game consoles. I feel good when my little girl says, hey lets play a game together and be it monopoly or Halo, I am up to the challenge of monopoly and the skills needed to blow away some ugly alien butt. But I find myself wondering one thing…… Is it normal to have my three year old saying “ I want to play, so I can Kill you ” ???

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