
Showing posts with the label child

The MOM Song

Aw this was so cool - The funny thing is that it's all true and it's everything I hear at my house each and every day .. God children drive you crazy... Thank you, Rick Demeri. for sharing this....

What were they thinking ??? FUNNY Dancing Boy

No, I didn't take this video - just found it in one of my computer file folders. I'm not sure what they were thinking or if my wife just wanted to record my son doing a little jig or something.

The Wild Luaghing Kid

My duaghter apparently recorded ue having some fun with my son. Yes - I like to toss the boy around. no - it doesn't hurt him. Unlike his mother who believes that I'm going to hurt him some how. Me, I just love to hear him luagh! The Wild Luaghing kid

My Parenting style comes from my Belief in "Dictatorship"

My duaghter is the most preciouse thing in my life. By now, anyone who follows my blog should know that my children are everything to me. And being one who grew up in the mean streets of new York city - in the ghettoo and surrounded by crime and so much more - yes I am over protective. It's not becuase I'm to clingy - it's becuase I know what can and does happen out there in the "REAL WORLD". What is my point? I ran across this article titled : How to protect your children. Good read and informative - But I think it would fall on deaf ears for most parents. I watch parents act like the minute thier child turns 4 years old they should be able to fend for themselves. Even worst is those parents that for no reason I can comprehend act like thier children are to much work and effort and should just be left alone to do what they want becuase hey - if they can walk and talk they should be able to "leave them alone"... ok so I'm being harsh. But really... ...

Is Mom a Pole Dancer ??? always check homework

Is Mom a Pole Dancer? I got this in my email this morning - I think it's so funny - children I tell you. Mom explians child's Homework - always check your childs homework .... VERY FUNNY !!! (Here's the reply the teacher received the following day) Dear Mrs. Jones, I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer. I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn't show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot. From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in. Sincerely, Mrs. Smith

Ok so it's NOT WALT DISNEY WORLD -but it's Fair ???

Ok, it's not Walt Disney World - but it's the Fair ? Yep, the county fair - it's not the big fancy walt disney or magic Kingdom kind of outing I want to go to - but the kids wanted to go to the fair. The fair, the Carney, the traveling Gypsies - or Circus [ what ever ]. All I know is they bugged me and bugged me that I just had to go. My duaghter already made plans to meet her friends there. My wife insisted we meet her friend there [ Hey Betsy - hope you had fun ] - heck if it wasn't already expensive enough - my kids wanted to invite another friend and have me pay [ What do I look like - don't answer that ]. But I do have to say I had a blast. Between my sons excitement and scare the park was worth the over price $17 dollar wrist band to go on the rides and I wont mention the fact that I and our friends son got sort of addicted to one of those carnival chance games. All so we could we could win a toy gun for my son - too bad it turn out to be a cigeret lighter .....

Girls: girls and what they do ?

Girls and what they do? Ok, so maybe it was wrong to read the diary entry my daughter left lying around the house. But How can you blame me, it was a single sheet of paper sitting in a pile of other paper work on my desk in my bedroom. Not hers, mine. So, I read it. And let me tell you I was confused and upset. I’m a Dad and one who is protective of his children. So reading this gave me only two scary thoughts - one: my daughter is growing up two: Never again Let me tell you what the diary entry was about in summary: My wife convinced me to let my daughter to go with her friends to the movies at the mall and that they would be with supervision - her friends dad. So I reluctantly said yes. So in her loose page entry she writes how nice it was to go to the movies, that she bought pop corn and how her friends dad allowed them to go into the movies alone as he waited [ 2 hours ] in the food court. [* not what I wanted - ] That after the movie this same dad allowed them to wander the mall ...

Grandma got slapped by Verizon Broadband access internet service

You want "Wireless Internet" ? Thinking of getting Verizonwireless Broadband service for your wireless internet use? Well - first consider this - how much do you want to spend and how much do you use the internet on the go. If your thinking of getting rid of your home DSL service - don't - that is if you watch alot of online videos and search a large amount of sites or play online games. Verizon has not yet gone unlimited on it's braodband wireless internet service. They only give you two options - 1] $39.99 for 50 megabytes [ which people always go over ] and 2] $59.99 for 5 gygabytes of use - which is a lot but not unlimited. I tell people that they should always go for the higher 5 gb $59.99 package and wait a month. See what your actual use is and then if you go no where near the 50 MB then drop the package down to the $39.99 rate. But never give up your home DSL online service if you like visiting game sites and downloading music and things like that. You can eas...

My Son is Crazy - just like Me!

My son is crazy - just like me! Both my kids are the world to me - they make me luagh, cry and experience the world thru thier eye [ fresh, new and exciting ]. But I really think they are trying to quietly drive me insane. let me explain: For the last three nights my son has been going to bed [ that’s normal ] but when I go to wake him up in the morning - I find him wearing different cloths - I mean i know he went to bed wearing orange boxers and a white t-shirt, but in the morning he has red boxers and a blue t-shirt ????? It's like waking up in an alternate universe.. I ask him why and when did he change and he says - "because".... So basically my son wakes up in the middle of the night to change his cloths so he could look good in the morning... Or maybe just to drive the old man batty! Enjoy the funny video

Kids - show and tell

Show and tell One of the favorite things my son likes to do in school is - participate in "show and tell". Sometimes I think he spends the whole week thinking about what he will bring to school on friday for show and tell. One night he was searching around and under the couch [ don't ask cuase I don't know ] and he told me he found the perfect show and tell item.... what you ask? Well, a green slimy frog. That's right a frog. Some how a frog sneaked into my house and under my couch and my curiouse son found him [ bad for the frog ]. The funny thing about it was what I did not get to catch on video - it was halariouse watching him trying to pick the frog up and hold it while the slimmy little thing kept jumping up into the air. I don't know why, but first it was a mouse running around my house, I have this small dog visiting and now, I have a frog.... is this some kind of Biblical plegue????

Having Thanksgiving early ??? a week early...

What do you do when all the family shows up at your house two weeks before thanksgiving? You have thanksgiving early - really - really early. We had the family from New York come down for two weeks - so we had thanksgiving dinner before they went back to NY. Talk about hecktic - I guess the one good thing is that we may have saved some money on shaopping - supermarkets always hike up the prices before the holidays. We also avoided the mad rush at the stores... but boy, having that many people at your house - way to much work. If I counted right, there were about tweenty people at the house more if I missed some of the kids.... Here take a look: see video

I was made to love you ???

I was made to love you Ever wonder what you were made to do in life? I figured out a long time ago that I have one very important job, position, duty in life - to love my family. Yes there may be the occasional argument. Yes, they can be a chore and a pain - at times [ too many times ]. They can even cause you to wonder why you even bother - but at the end of the day when you put them to bed and all you can think about is how sweet they are and how you can’t help but smile as you watch them sleep peacefully in their bed... You realize - you were made to love them.

four year old trying to get rid of me??

Is it me or is my four year old trying to get rid of me?? Here I was happy to have a day off where I could hang out, do as I pleased and in fact - was happy to go and pick up my four year old son from pre-k school. But boy was I in for a surprise. I go and pick him up a half hour earlier than his scheduled time - out of love [ or because I didn’t want to waste the gas driving back and forth - you judge ] and when I signed him out early - he only had one thing to ask of me... Why are you not working??? What, did I hear you right? So I asked him, what do you mean… and he said.. What are you doing home, aren’t you working today?? Hey, come on - can’t a dad get a break… It’s my day off and I want to spend it with you. Why would you want to bring up work and are you trying to get rid of me kid??? Come on, maybe the next time I have a day off I’ll just disappear and not come home - see if you like that one buddy. Life is so strange - and kids their even stranger. Imagine that - a four year o...

Missing My children ....

Missing my children.?... It’s weird, maybe I’m not the typical dad or parent that rushes out the door screaming “yeah, I can get away from my kids now!”.. no offense… But I am close to my kids and I’ve been working 6 days a week at different hours of the day and between school and work - I haven’t been able to spend real quality time with my kids. I guess the real reason I’m upset is because today the first Saturday I have off to be with the kids [ and mow lawn and do home work… grrr...] my son is sick and my duaghter just wants to visit her friend…??? Hey, what about Dad? I was just taking a moment to look over some photos as I try to recover from my depression - take a look below.. Kids - can’t live without them and they can’t wait to abandon you....

Making Politics simple for Elleven year old ??

How do you make politics simple enough for an eleven year old to understand - turn the TV off! Really, it’s hard enough explaining life and the every day things to your kids - why would a teacher give my child an extra credit assignment that requires her to stay up late past her bed time to watch something she has no knowledge or concept of? I was going to watch the Vice Presidential debate anyway - but it’s hard to really listen to the debate when your eleven year old child who wants to do good in school is asking you “what does that mean?” “why did they say that?”. How can I hear the issues when I’m busy explaining to my child why Biden said he opposes fraud from the mortgage companies, the big oil companies and how Obama will stop that [ despite that fact that Obama was taking kick backs from Freddie Mac and Fannie May when they were committing the fraud???] But hey - thank you teacher for making my day a bit more interesting! One good thing came out of last nights debate as I watch...

Protecting the universe one Soldier at a time

Here I am trying to spend some quality time with my son before I have to go to work and all he wants to do is play halo. It's sad really - because I'm the one who got him hooked on playing halo. But I guess spending some time with him killing aliens and defending the universe from a horde of evil Aliens is better than not spending time with him at all. The odd thing is he takes his command so seriously - I mean he is only four years old and he is concerned about the men that follow him in the game. He has figured out that they can die and that he can do something to save and protect them. He just insist on making sure his fellow soldiers are doing good. He doesn't want to go to the next level unless he can protect his fellow men [ and women - they have female characters in the game]. The odd thing is, when he plays as the alien, he doesn't care who dies - his fellow alien horde could drop by the thousands and he lets them - but let one of his fellow human being soldiers...

Life, marraige, kids - is it what you thought?

Some times I can’t help but wonder- is this really my life? Is this what I really wanted? What about my marriage, my kids - me??? Yeah life throws you some curve balls and your spouse and kids can drive you up the wall….. But then I think of all the laughs, jokes, fun and good times we’ve had and shared - and say … what a waste -- no, just joking. I can’t imagine my life any better with out them. Especially without my boy and girl…life wouldn’t be the same without them. So just incase your having a "need a smile" day - hear is an old marriage joke I revised and turned into art..

Parenting Advice: REACH FOR YOUR GUNS !!!!

Parenting Advice: REACH FOR YOUR GUNS !!!! Before you think my “Parenting Advice” is abusive or comes from the NRA [ national riffle association ] handbook let me just say - it’s a figure of speech. My parenting advice is meant to [ Mom or dad - best both ] have a plan of action. Let me tell you a little story - here I am walking thru the grocery store and I notice a Mom with a small child [ looks to be 4 yrs old ] and she seems to be loosing it. Her kid is not listening to her, he is embarrassing her and she seems to be frozen - unsure what to do. Me, I would have smacked him up side the head [ figure of speech people ] and put and end to it. But many people think different. I had people say they don’t hit their child in public because they don’t want people talking [ clarification - nosy people calling child services ]. Some have told me that they just talk to their children they don’t hit them... Others - they just freak - their so embarrassed that their kid is acting up in public ...

Life is So unfair at the beach ???

Life is So unfair at the beach ??? Oh how unfair life can be. As promised I wanted to share my trip with you. I had to go to Venice Florida for some training and my Boss was gracious enough to put me up in a beautiful condo right on the beach. He even suggested that I bring the family along so we could have a nice time of it. At first I was leery of one - taking him up on his offer - second, taking my family along for the ride. But the more I thought about being away for two days the more it sounded - ok. Ofcourse my wife loved the idea. The minute she heard that the condo was right on the beach and that the back door opens up right on to the beach - it didn’t take her long to start packing. So what’s so unfair about life and this situation: well, where do I start. Let me begin with how first it wasn’t a trip for me - I had to work, and while I woke up early and went to bed early because I had to be at work - my kids and my sweet wife enjoyed the beach [ see the pictures below and the...

Every Morning is a Challenge

Every Morning is a challenge - but this one was a whole defferent story. Some of you may not know but, I went to venice, Florida for some training and took the family so they could enjoy the beach [ another story I'll share next post - life is so unfair ....]. So, when we came back - trying to get these kids ready for school the next morning was a nightmare. My son, he acted like a wet noodle. I'd pick him up so he could stand and he would just melt and slide down into the bed. My duaghter - well - you can just imagine how she got up. Not a happy camper. In fact my son fell asleep on the way to school - what a twist. So here is some art to enjoy and tell me what you think.

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