Crash Proof - facing America's recession
I've been terribly sick the last four days and so while bed ridden - lets just say I've watched way to much tv. Especially on the possible recession that America is facing, may face and has the government working so hard to avoid. I have to say, I don't know about you, but I find myself working harder everyday trying to find new ways to cut back on my expenses. I don't know why the news, our government - for that matter we the people don't realize that America - the real America is already in a recession. Crash Proof Book As I laid in bed sneezing, coughing and hacking up - well you know…I watched the news talk about how high gas prizes have effected travel and how the 911 terrorist laws make it difficult for foreigners to come to America to spend their money. I read in the news paper about county budget cuts, I read this morning how New Jersey wants to cut thousand of state jobs in one swoop. I don't think we're facing a possible recession, I think America...