
Showing posts with the label doctor

Did you Know: Allergies can come and go ?

Did you Know: Allergies can come & go ? Yesterday I proved I love my son. How? By going to his doctors appointment. My son was sent to a specialist in Sarasota Florida to have a specialist look at him. He has high level of allergies and we were sent there to find out more. To be honest I thought it was a waste of time but - I love my son - and my relationship with my wife. So I went. I spent $233 dollars to find out basically - “nothing I already didn’t know”.. Though I admit I was hoping the test would say he was allergic to dogs and it would solve the “jasper” dog issue [ I don’t hate the dog - just don’t want him ]. The Doctor gave my son this very expensive test that caused him to cry and amounted to just dabbing liquid on him to see how his skin reacts [ as proof of allergic reaction ]. Well, after the crying and me trying to keep him from scratching test area - we learned that he is allergic to the things we already new about or suspected. Except for cat - I didn’t know he wa...

The Funny Doctor !!!

Helping my daughters choose a future profession. Well lets see how she did as a Doctor. I hope patients don't mine her funny laughter. See Two funny videos below I hope she can control her fun infectious funny laugh or she will never be a doctor - atleast not one who is taken seriously.... LOL

Doctor my foot hurts ????

Your foot hurt - do what Doctor tell’s ya ? The things we have to do to get healthier. Apparently the pain of her foot was greater than the heart ache or embarrassment of trying to follow doctors orders. My spouse - who will not be named [ to protect me from getting hurt ] has suffered some foot pain and while I don’t know the proper name or even how to spell what the doctor diagnosed her with - I do know it has to do with the muscle at the arch of her foot [ it goes flat and causes pain and when she relaxes her foot it goes back to it’s correct curve only to be stretched flat once she starts walking…] So what is so funny? oh I don’t know - the doctor wrapped her foot up and she can’t wet the wrap - so this is what she does to avoid getting her foot wet.....

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