
Showing posts with the label funny pets

Our pet and possible Divorce - puppy hater !!!

Our pet and possible Divorce - puppy hater !!! It’s been what two weeks since a new unannounced addition has been added to the house hold. No - not a baby but worse, a cute lovable puppy. Now I love pets, especially Dogs - I just don’t think we should have one. My family tries to convince me that I love the dog and want him around. They forget that just because I don’t eat the dog - excuse me - kill the dog [ I mean mistreat it ] that it means I want the dog in my house. Look - people like should not have pets - we’ve tried and it has always ended up bad - especially for the pet. I remember the cat - who spent most of it’s time locked in the porch - give him up to the pound. What about the nice bird - well, it was left outside and a raccoon attacked and eat it. { No it was not my doing - blame the wife ].... Oh, and dear old general - nice dog but he was a loner. Just watching him for some friends…. It was sad for the family to see him go.... Now this, a cute little thing that breaks a...

Camping: cute Turtle pee ?????

Camping: hope he pee’s your hand I loved my camping vacation. It was the best - and one of the reasons it was so great - was because I didn’t have to worry about a poor pet I left behind. My wife and kids are always trying to find ways to convince me of getting a pet . Be it a dog, a cat, this time it was a small turtle. Ofcourse I told them it was wrong to remove the poor little thing from his natural habitat [ if he was a he - I didn’t check ??]. I also mentioned the fact that we just can’t take him home - he is wild [ like if he was going to bite someone ]. But really - you go camping to see the wild not to bring home the wild [ you leave that for the bedroom .. uhm, ur excuse me....] My point is, that though he may have been cute and all that to my family - he belongs there at the campsite. It’s where he lives - where he should stay. Ofcourse that didn’t stop my wife from carrying on how we can go to the pet store and get one for home. Like if I want to worry about one more living ...

Funny - new meaning to "rear ended" .....

After camping, I had a new appreciation for wild life. I love camping, nature and the wild. My wife said I got a bit "animalistic" while we were camping. hey - the wild brings out the animal in me. But when I received the above photo in my email box - it gave a whole new meaning to the words " rear ended ".... Yikes!

Kids - show and tell

Show and tell One of the favorite things my son likes to do in school is - participate in "show and tell". Sometimes I think he spends the whole week thinking about what he will bring to school on friday for show and tell. One night he was searching around and under the couch [ don't ask cuase I don't know ] and he told me he found the perfect show and tell item.... what you ask? Well, a green slimy frog. That's right a frog. Some how a frog sneaked into my house and under my couch and my curiouse son found him [ bad for the frog ]. The funny thing about it was what I did not get to catch on video - it was halariouse watching him trying to pick the frog up and hold it while the slimmy little thing kept jumping up into the air. I don't know why, but first it was a mouse running around my house, I have this small dog visiting and now, I have a frog.... is this some kind of Biblical plegue????

Goodness what is that smell?

? ? ? Honey what’s that Smell? So here we are watching TV and the kids are doing what they always do [ argue about something trivial ] and this weird smell hits me. It just seemed to fill the air. I didn’t notice it before so I was a bit confused - ofcourse at first I thought someone let one rip [ you know, silent but deadly ]. After much debate [ it was daddy, no mommy, no Isaac, oh that smell...] we soon realized it was coming from that small little creature called general. Our visitor was starting to smell, it’s normal after all he is a dog [ literally ]. So the time came for my wife to give her first "doggy bath". Hey that’s what you have to do if you have a dog. I expected this to be a disaster, a real nightmare - but it turned out to be a mild inconvenience.. The dog was no trouble at all, my wife on the other hand was acting like the dog was a new born baby and she was a first time mother. Can I do this, will this hurt him, is it the right soap... On and on.... it’s ...

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