
Showing posts with the label funny

Real Funny Blond Joke

Ok, this happened for real - this is a true story. So all you blondes, please - don't be offended. It's a joke but also a true story. So here we go: I was working in the store and a sweet blonde older woman walked in. She was excitedly flustered and greeted me with a desperate plea - “can you help me? I don't know what's wrong with my cell phone. it's not working at all.” As I took the phone from her hand to inspect it - she embarrassedly explained how she did everything she could do to make it work... she put it to charge, she checked the battery, she made sure the phone wasn't damaged.... but it did not want to work. After a minute of playing with it I put it in her hand and said - there you go it's working. She gasp with elation and asked me how did I fix her phone: I quietly told her - I turned it on.... Don’t want to believe me - fine.. But it happened, it is a true story. I felt so bad for her, I didn’t want her to be embarrassed or feel stupid. But he

What were they thinking ??? FUNNY Dancing Boy

No, I didn't take this video - just found it in one of my computer file folders. I'm not sure what they were thinking or if my wife just wanted to record my son doing a little jig or something.

The Wild Luaghing Kid

My duaghter apparently recorded ue having some fun with my son. Yes - I like to toss the boy around. no - it doesn't hurt him. Unlike his mother who believes that I'm going to hurt him some how. Me, I just love to hear him luagh! The Wild Luaghing kid

Seniors - Too Old to Drive ?

Your too OLD to drive ... Don’t take this as an offence or a sign of cruelty - but “when are you too Old to drive ?” I have friends who always bad mouth Senior [ old ] drivers. They make fun of them - they point out the fact that their unable to drive because of their age. ofcourse I always come to their defense. Not because I don’t think they are great drivers - but because it’s a right - a privilege to drive and I count that as one of our American freedoms. No one should be told they can’t do what they want - when it is within the law, their rights and sanctioned by government. So if they have a car, a drivers license, who am I to tell them no. I certainly wouldn’t want someone to decide for me when I couldn’t do something. My problems is - they make themselves easy targets. - Senior [old] drivers that is. Take for example: Here I am at the turning lane - it’s only one way and no room for anyone to pass me on the side and here comes this car. Forget that my truck is 300 times bigger

Is Mom a Pole Dancer ??? always check homework

Is Mom a Pole Dancer? I got this in my email this morning - I think it's so funny - children I tell you. Mom explians child's Homework - always check your childs homework .... VERY FUNNY !!! (Here's the reply the teacher received the following day) Dear Mrs. Jones, I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer. I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn't show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot. From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in. Sincerely, Mrs. Smith

Ok so it's NOT WALT DISNEY WORLD -but it's Fair ???

Ok, it's not Walt Disney World - but it's the Fair ? Yep, the county fair - it's not the big fancy walt disney or magic Kingdom kind of outing I want to go to - but the kids wanted to go to the fair. The fair, the Carney, the traveling Gypsies - or Circus [ what ever ]. All I know is they bugged me and bugged me that I just had to go. My duaghter already made plans to meet her friends there. My wife insisted we meet her friend there [ Hey Betsy - hope you had fun ] - heck if it wasn't already expensive enough - my kids wanted to invite another friend and have me pay [ What do I look like - don't answer that ]. But I do have to say I had a blast. Between my sons excitement and scare the park was worth the over price $17 dollar wrist band to go on the rides and I wont mention the fact that I and our friends son got sort of addicted to one of those carnival chance games. All so we could we could win a toy gun for my son - too bad it turn out to be a cigeret lighter ..

Long day [ longest ever ]

Having just one of those days... You ever had one of those days - you know, the one you wish you could just rewind and do over completly different. I just wish life had a off switch or atleast a fast forward button. It's funny - it started innocent enough - then it started.... car problems, kids having problems, the spouse angry becuase of stress... Oh God she's comming at me with a knife... lol Please, someone explian it to me... Why is it that when something goes wrong, it seems everything goes wrong. Can't we have a system where problems can just take turns... I guess I shouldn't complian, my father-in-law just turned 50 and he's not complianing - probably becuase he is too busy complianing about me.... Ha, good one. Needed a luagh. Well, I guess life is just a never ending battle and i have to take my own advice - enjoy what you can, while you can, for as long as you can - becuase the kids grow up, the spouse gets old and you get closer to the grave [ the nice d

Oh what happened to my life ????

I love my life, but just like everyone else there are those days when it is not worth the effort to get out of bed... Today being one of them. My family wanted to go to the fair, then they changed it to movies, not... Then they wanted to go to the fair at 6 pm, ofcourse my duaghter wanted to know if she could invite a friend [ by the way dad can you pay her way ???] I've been awake for less than 4 hours on a saturday morning [ mind you it's my day off ] and I've been bombarded with more work and decission making than when I go to work.... AAAAA!!!...

Who wants to Buy two kids - cheap !!!!

Oh, I must be stupid.... I thought that the easiest thing to do with two children who fought over the Ds game was - to simply buy my son his own game. After all - then they would each have thier own game and the fighting would stop. No, not so. Now they fight about the DS consoles and the games. First my duaghter wanted to see [ see means use his blue boyish game] which my son didn't want to do becuase blue is for boys only [ considering he has been playing her pink girlish game for months. Now they spend thier time fighting over the games - dinner dash, indiana jones, sims kingdom and how my son [ who granted is not proficient in setting games up ] keeps erasing his sisters memory [ it may be on purpose who knows....] All this fighting and they each have thier own DS game - wow, that $130 dollars on my sons own DS that was suppose to make life easier - only made it worse. Maybe I could make my money back - is anyone interesting in buying two slightly used children. Thier great ki

I would like to offer this Friends AWARD to:

Ok, first lets thank Nubia for the award " Friends Award" - I just love being appriciated and esteemed [ did i say that right ???] So first - by the rules let me first offer this award to six other bloggers I enjoy, of course : 1] Nubia at - hey you write about new York my home town and all it's craziness - love it. 2] Sue @ She writes about everything and anything. Her keen eye and funny humor is what I live for. Remember the grandma with the body peircing...Ha! 3] Cloudster @ As a fellow parent I enjoy reading about a parent that enjoys living life a fresh and new thru the eyes of thier children. Not to mention the madness parents endure thru the same kids.... 4] Veronica [ her blog is private and she is family ] but who else can I depend on to read my post and be totally honest with me - she tells me I'm simply wonderful.... 5] : Ok I

My Son is Crazy - just like Me!

My son is crazy - just like me! Both my kids are the world to me - they make me luagh, cry and experience the world thru thier eye [ fresh, new and exciting ]. But I really think they are trying to quietly drive me insane. let me explain: For the last three nights my son has been going to bed [ that’s normal ] but when I go to wake him up in the morning - I find him wearing different cloths - I mean i know he went to bed wearing orange boxers and a white t-shirt, but in the morning he has red boxers and a blue t-shirt ????? It's like waking up in an alternate universe.. I ask him why and when did he change and he says - "because".... So basically my son wakes up in the middle of the night to change his cloths so he could look good in the morning... Or maybe just to drive the old man batty! Enjoy the funny video

Walt Disney world - Magic Kingdom

Walt Disney world - Magic Kingdom Quietly planning my next family outing - shhss don’t tell the family. I’ve been working long hours and many nights - so I figure I have to plan special moments in greater detail than just letting them happen. You know how it goes you put something off till the week end and bang something always comes up. Besides - if I plan it right maybe I can control the cost better [ you save for it rather than have an expensive spur of the moment thing]. I’m thinking Walt Disney World. One night stay at a hotel and take advantage of the one get second free [ if they have it ]... I know my whole family loves fire works and Walt Disney knows how to give a impressive fire works display. I hope I can get a hotel close to Disney with a view of the park so maybe we can get a sneak peek at their “Disney Fire works extravaganza”... I understand they revamped the “it’s a small world - I took my little girl to that and hope my son will be impressed as much as she was. I also

Party New Years Eve ! ! ! HOT HOT

Party New Years Eve !! Wild HOT Party !!! Ok so it's not the HOT party you might be thinking, but it was a wild good old time. We had the PIG roast [ thats right I had pig - it's new years eve - forget the cholestoral ... sorry Doc... ] We had the drinks, the loud "wake up" the nieghbors music, the beautiful woman - my wife being the most Gorgeous one present. Love you babe.... The kids running wild, oh and did I mention the dancing? Ok, this time I didn't get a video clip of my dance moves - but hey you can check out my party dance moves at the Christmas Party video - check it out if you haven't. Please check out the video and the pictures and Please leave a comment - I do love your comments. Plenty of Drinks for Party The Party was done Right No, that's not Alcohol !!!! Too many women - caliente...... The men are not that bad looking... except for me.. Sorry Doc - I had to have PIG ... My wife's creation - from scratch...

Wild Christmas party Pt 2

Awe nothing like the holidays and a good old fashion wild Christmas Eve party to get going with the end of the old year and starting the new... You can always tell how your New Years eve party is going to turn out [ good or bad ] by how your Christmas Eve party ends up being. And seeing as how this Christmas Eve party was a wild Hispanic "get down, get down" bash - I expect the New Years Eve party to be a blast... nothing like the holidays..... Party, Party, Party, man I've got to work tommorrow..... grrrr... Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, the party was fun but you'll soon be out on the street.... oh christmas tree see you next year at the christmas eve party you'll be.......

Funny pictures of the Family

If you see this man - don't let him into your kitchen!

Kids - show and tell

Show and tell One of the favorite things my son likes to do in school is - participate in "show and tell". Sometimes I think he spends the whole week thinking about what he will bring to school on friday for show and tell. One night he was searching around and under the couch [ don't ask cuase I don't know ] and he told me he found the perfect show and tell item.... what you ask? Well, a green slimy frog. That's right a frog. Some how a frog sneaked into my house and under my couch and my curiouse son found him [ bad for the frog ]. The funny thing about it was what I did not get to catch on video - it was halariouse watching him trying to pick the frog up and hold it while the slimmy little thing kept jumping up into the air. I don't know why, but first it was a mouse running around my house, I have this small dog visiting and now, I have a frog.... is this some kind of Biblical plegue????

Unbelievable stories - But all TRUE!!!

Here are some stories I've been saving for when my kids grow up - actual events - funny.... It is very important to always know what to do in case of an emergency. It can save lives to be prepared. While walking down the street one day, my wife mistook the sound of a car back firing for the sound of a gun shot. She immediately went into action. She grabbed my arm and screamed “ everyone, STOP, DROP and Roll !” As a father, I try to teach my children the best way I know how. When my son turned two (2), he and my daughter found it an enjoyable exercise to run wildly around the house. Since my son does everything his sister does, I explained to my little girl that I wanted her to walk, not run in the house. It was a dangerous and unsafe thing to do, that is how people get hurt. If your running you can easily run into something and seriously get hurt. Feeling sure she understood what I was telling her, I turned around and walked straight into the closed glass porch door.... We decide

Crazy long weekend - ENDLESS .......

Way to long of a crazy week end.... Things sort of become a blur when your so busy to take a moments breath. Let’s just give you a glimpse of what I mean - starting Friday morning - woke up and got the kids ready, took them to school, drove back home and took care of some things. Then I set up the tent in the back yard for my daughters sleep over party - rushed over to pick up my son at school at eleven thirty. Then drive all the way home to prepare his lunch , change his cloth and prepare for work. Drive him over to my brother-in-law’s house and off to work. After getting out of work at 8:35 pm, I drove home to eat, play with the kids and help my daughter start building her school model project. I went to bed around eleven thirty and woke up early Saturday to get myself and my son ready for his school friend birthday party. I like these people - even though it was raining, they had the birthday party. So I help by holding an umbrella over the grill to help cook the food [ after all I

I was made to love you ???

I was made to love you Ever wonder what you were made to do in life? I figured out a long time ago that I have one very important job, position, duty in life - to love my family. Yes there may be the occasional argument. Yes, they can be a chore and a pain - at times [ too many times ]. They can even cause you to wonder why you even bother - but at the end of the day when you put them to bed and all you can think about is how sweet they are and how you can’t help but smile as you watch them sleep peacefully in their bed... You realize - you were made to love them.

four year old trying to get rid of me??

Is it me or is my four year old trying to get rid of me?? Here I was happy to have a day off where I could hang out, do as I pleased and in fact - was happy to go and pick up my four year old son from pre-k school. But boy was I in for a surprise. I go and pick him up a half hour earlier than his scheduled time - out of love [ or because I didn’t want to waste the gas driving back and forth - you judge ] and when I signed him out early - he only had one thing to ask of me... Why are you not working??? What, did I hear you right? So I asked him, what do you mean… and he said.. What are you doing home, aren’t you working today?? Hey, come on - can’t a dad get a break… It’s my day off and I want to spend it with you. Why would you want to bring up work and are you trying to get rid of me kid??? Come on, maybe the next time I have a day off I’ll just disappear and not come home - see if you like that one buddy. Life is so strange - and kids their even stranger. Imagine that - a four year o