
Showing posts with the label gay rights

I need my Gun America !

Ever wonder why Americans need thier Guns? I believe in the constitution - and it's provision that says we have a right to bare arms. people say - ban guns and you can cut down crime.... let me ask you something? Drugs are illigal and a banned substance - does that stop the criminals? Driving drunk is illigal and banned - does that stop the drunks? Criminals do not go to legal places to buy weapons... they go to other criminals or they find other means to get illigal weapons. Do you think stopping law abiding citizins from getting a gun [ for hunting or protect] will some how stop criminals from getting guns. How many people you know carry automatic weapons - only criminals... do you think they bought it at walmart??????? And the normal people who have guns like automactic machine guns got them thru less than legal means... so how does keeping the average legal American from being able to excersize his/her right to bear arms going to stop crime????

Transsexual & Gay toilets for Thai school

Ok, who doesn't think this is over the top. This could explain why so many cartoon [anime] male characters look like girls - or maybe the cartoons is what's confusing the boys in this country. To the point, I am not a homo hater, gay basher, or homo-phobic. I just don't agree. I think it is also a stupid idea to continually cow down to making gays more comfortable. Let me see - the boys were being picked on because they were gay or transvestites... so they went to the girls bathroom. The principal felt bad that some girls felt uncomfortable with the "confused" gender boys so he gave them a private gay bathroom...???? And how is that supposes to stop them from being picked on? let me see, if the other boys think it's wrong and make fun of them, wouldn't a gay bathroom provide more fuel for ridicule? But hey, maybe by the time were done with gay marriages and gay bathrooms and even here in America we had a school that allowed a boy to dress as a girl - who ...

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