
Showing posts with the label police

Police arrest Principal at school / Police Chase in morning

There is nothing better than an early morning police chase at the elementary school. It really surprise parents as they pulled up to drop off their children. Police arrest Principal at school / Police Chase   Early in the morning police chase at school surprise parents, children, and people passing by. Parents were calling the school, people were sharing it on Facebook - I think we went a little too far this time. This video is sponsored by "Marly’s Million Dollar Coat Hanger: You can do anything" Support us by buying this children's book for your child are as a gift. Or you can purchase a t-shirt so that we can continue to create more videos. Buy "Do The Right Thing" t-shirt here: Subscribe to this channel: People keep asking me if the POLICE CHASE at the school was real. My ans...

My Parenting style comes from my Belief in "Dictatorship"

My duaghter is the most preciouse thing in my life. By now, anyone who follows my blog should know that my children are everything to me. And being one who grew up in the mean streets of new York city - in the ghettoo and surrounded by crime and so much more - yes I am over protective. It's not becuase I'm to clingy - it's becuase I know what can and does happen out there in the "REAL WORLD". What is my point? I ran across this article titled : How to protect your children. Good read and informative - But I think it would fall on deaf ears for most parents. I watch parents act like the minute thier child turns 4 years old they should be able to fend for themselves. Even worst is those parents that for no reason I can comprehend act like thier children are to much work and effort and should just be left alone to do what they want becuase hey - if they can walk and talk they should be able to "leave them alone"... ok so I'm being harsh. But really... ...

What a stupid world !!!

How stupid do you have to be to get arrested? Apperently - not that stupid after all. One man decides to slap, hit a baby camel on a dare - the other man, well he messed up a car jacking and decided to make his get away in a golf cart. yes, I said golf cart... hey stupid, a golf cart only goes 4 miles per hour, the cops could have had donuts and coffee and stil caught you. Moron..... What are people thinking - I guess we don't have to worry about super villians here in america.

When you should use a stun gun - they don't!

Below We have Raw video of an attack of a prosecutor - in of all places - in court. The convicted criminal for some reason was not handcuffed when he entered the court room and he proceeded to attack the prosecutor [ which looks to be a woman ]. my question is - Where is the stun gun? Lately in the news we've been hearing how police officers have been abusing the use of stun guns and using them when not necessary to subdue potential threats. like the officer who was 200 pounds heavier than a skinny woman - and “tasered” her to subdue her cause she got loud and he some how felt threatened. Here in this video you have one officer of the court, 4 expensive suits subduing a large convicted criminal who is attacking a person and no one "tasers' [stuns] him with the teaser gun???? Get Free Trial

Kid Kidnaps his own Mom?????

I read in the newspaper how a 13 year old boy held his mother captive against her will. Imagine that - your child charged by a court of law for "Kidnapping" and the victim, his Mom!!!!! [ see copy of news clip below ] This is why I believe in discipline and in "corporal" punishment. I believe that your child should have a healthy dose of respect for his/her parent and some fear too. Fear of punishment will help your child to listen when thier small and respect you when thier big [ that is if your respectable ]. The facts are that my children will grow, will get stronger and I , well I will grow old and weaker. I've seen parents in NY who basically lost all control of thier children and it sad to see the children run the home and worst - to see a child beat up on a parent. Do you think she was wrong for calling the COPS? If I were her, they would have called the cops on me to rip his dead corps from my closed fist.......... Police: Kid Kidnaps Mom By Joe Seelig ...

Tis the season to be teasered?

Don't get me wrong but this season seems to be a bit more rough on me than previouse one's. I personally witness a store clerk get malled as he tried to bring in some Wii nintendo units to place on the shelf. When some one is almost trampled becuase a couple of parents need that oh so wanted gift - maybe everyone should carry a stun gun? But give me a break - even if the woman in the video below was irate and a bit out of control [ maybe - hard to tell on video ] - I still don't believe that she should have been stunned. I'm starting to think this is getting out of control here. I always get that stupid alarm ring from the security buzzered becuase the register girl didn't decoded it right - am I going to get tased one day becuase that alarm went off and a security guard will find it easier to tase me than to confront me?

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