
Showing posts with the label politics

Why is the Government watching me and you

Why is the Government watching Me and you I openly oppose the government - by that I mean, oppose big government. I am not in favor of more and more government control. When I talk to people about my concerns about the government being too big, having too much control - I usually get that “he is crazy” look. Well, four months ago my name was part of the census program thingy. Every month for three months the same guy shows up at my door asking me questions the government needs to know. For three months, every month - the same darn questions: Who lives here? How old are we? Do we work? How many hours do you work? Do you have more than one job or PT job? I was being nice, patient - I know that currently the jobs numbers are very important. The government wants to know who is working and who is not ??? Check the tax rolls fools…. But, again, I was being nice and even though it was getting on my nerves I did my best to answer the same questions over and over and over again. Then I received...

I need my Gun America !

Ever wonder why Americans need thier Guns? I believe in the constitution - and it's provision that says we have a right to bare arms. people say - ban guns and you can cut down crime.... let me ask you something? Drugs are illigal and a banned substance - does that stop the criminals? Driving drunk is illigal and banned - does that stop the drunks? Criminals do not go to legal places to buy weapons... they go to other criminals or they find other means to get illigal weapons. Do you think stopping law abiding citizins from getting a gun [ for hunting or protect] will some how stop criminals from getting guns. How many people you know carry automatic weapons - only criminals... do you think they bought it at walmart??????? And the normal people who have guns like automactic machine guns got them thru less than legal means... so how does keeping the average legal American from being able to excersize his/her right to bear arms going to stop crime????

Making Politics simple for Elleven year old ??

How do you make politics simple enough for an eleven year old to understand - turn the TV off! Really, it’s hard enough explaining life and the every day things to your kids - why would a teacher give my child an extra credit assignment that requires her to stay up late past her bed time to watch something she has no knowledge or concept of? I was going to watch the Vice Presidential debate anyway - but it’s hard to really listen to the debate when your eleven year old child who wants to do good in school is asking you “what does that mean?” “why did they say that?”. How can I hear the issues when I’m busy explaining to my child why Biden said he opposes fraud from the mortgage companies, the big oil companies and how Obama will stop that [ despite that fact that Obama was taking kick backs from Freddie Mac and Fannie May when they were committing the fraud???] But hey - thank you teacher for making my day a bit more interesting! One good thing came out of last nights debate as I watch...

Remember september eleventh ( 9 - 11 )

Remember September eleventh [ 9 - 11] Take a moment to remember, think back.. It’s not about being democrat or Republican - but American. It’s not about Obama or McCain - but Rights. It’s not about approval of the war - but honoring lives. It’s not about politics or rhetoric - but Freedom. Remember 9 - 11

Why should America lead the World ?

Why Does America have to Lead - why not other countries...? I heard a friend of mine make what I believe was a foolish statement - it went like this " Why Does America has to lead the world - why not let the other countries do it ?" What he was referring in a later comment was - that America acts like it's the only one that knows right from wrong and that people hate us because "we act like the world boss". He may have a point - but my question would be - who then, if not America? Really think about it - we suffered a terrorist attack and we struck back. How many other European countries have suffered terrorist attacks and have taken a massive undertaking to retaliate? Here is another point - no matter if we were right or wrong - we started the war in Iraq and we had the resolve to continue - while other countries started to wane and run in fear. Fear of political unrest, fear of terrorist, fear of criticism.... Spain was attacked by terrorist and 191 people die...

This guy has balls !!!

Can you Imagine an open "White Supremist" KKK store selling products in a predominant black area and the store front is owned by a African American Baptist Church...... I am amazed he hasn't gotten his butt whooped yet!!!

Better off in America

You know, people are always complaining how bad it is here in America. yet they know nothing about the rest of the world. I've been sick the last 2 weeks and I've seen way to much TV. The problem is that I hear all these news cast on how America needs to be more like our foreign friends. Our Allies have so much better policies.... yet their people want to be Americans. Want to come to live in America..... Take for instance the video below... Women who become "widows" are basically sent off to a "holy city' to die. Outcaste by their families who don't want to pay to take care of them - "thanks for raising me Mom, hope you die quick..." And a government who doesn't want to pass one law to protect women’s rights - wait they have no rights. Bunch of Basta**** excuse. Can't help it, my dear old dad abandoned my family when I was a kid and my mother sacrificed her whole life to help raise us and give us a better life. But hey - lets be more li...

Crash Proof - facing America's recession

I've been terribly sick the last four days and so while bed ridden - lets just say I've watched way to much tv. Especially on the possible recession that America is facing, may face and has the government working so hard to avoid. I have to say, I don't know about you, but I find myself working harder everyday trying to find new ways to cut back on my expenses. I don't know why the news, our government - for that matter we the people don't realize that America - the real America is already in a recession. Crash Proof Book As I laid in bed sneezing, coughing and hacking up - well you know…I watched the news talk about how high gas prizes have effected travel and how the 911 terrorist laws make it difficult for foreigners to come to America to spend their money. I read in the news paper about county budget cuts, I read this morning how New Jersey wants to cut thousand of state jobs in one swoop. I don't think we're facing a possible recession, I think America...

My little Soldier

I was wondering if your pro Iraq war and for the Soldiers staying to finish the job - what does this picture make you think and feel? I personally believe that it would be another vietnam if we leave. A crime [ right or wrong ] to send our Soldiers and then not give them the support they need or allow them to win.

Dear editor - on imigration

New Immigrants From: "David LaBonte" My wife, Rosemary, wrote a wonderful letter to the editor of the OC Register which, of course, was not printed. So, I decided to "print" it myself by sending it out on the Internet. Written in response to a series of letters to the editor in the Orange County Register: Dear Editor: So many letter writers have based their arguments on how this land is made up of immigrants. Ernie Lujan for one, suggests we should tear down the Statue of Liberty because the people now in question aren't being treated the same as those who passed through Ellis Island and other ports of entry. Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people like Mr. Lujan why today's American is not willing to accept this new kind of immigrant any longer. Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented. Some would eve...

New orleans went under - An African American's Comments

Disclosure: New Orleans Went Under--An African American's Comments -- Carefully read the whole article. These comments an opinion are soly of Rev. Jesse L Peterson and not of "What you think does matter" or "eblogger and/or affiliates". ___________________________________________ By Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Say a hurricane is about to destroy the city you live in. Two questions: What would you do? What would you do if you were black? Sadly, the two questions don't have the same answer. To the first: Most of us would take our families out of that city quickly to protect them from danger. Then, able-bodied men would return to help others in need, as wives and others cared for children, elderly, infirm and the like. For better or worse, Hurricane Katrina has told us the answer to the second question. If you're black and a hurricane is about to destroy your city, you'll probably wait for the government to save you. This was not always the case. Prior to ...

America - our country, be proud of it.

Here is a subject probably none of the candidates would touch. It amazes me that people leave their country to come to a better place and want to convert America into the place they left. I am proud of my heritage - but i am also proud of the country i live in and that provides me my precious freedoms we all enjoy - America.

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