
Showing posts with the label sad

HELP! struggling, Drowning and feel like an utter failure

Ever felt like you were drowning? Like the odds were stacked against you and nothing you did could change the outcome. Life is a struggle, it can swallow you up and spit you out after it has ground you up into little insignificant pieces. Harsh isn’t it? But that is how I feel. I’ve had so many things go wrong lately – well I shouldn’t say lately; it has been months and more that I have been dealing with some very difficult things in my life. I tell my children that they need to think positive, never give up and even know when all you can do is ride the wave because there is nothing within your power that can change certain circumstances. But here I sit, thinking about my mother and her second battle with cancer - and she doesn't look good. I’m thinking about all the bad luck I have been having lately. I’m thinking about my most recent troubles that have arisen one right after the other and what do I get from my wife – “You have to live what you preach. You tell the kids th...

I Hate Special days

Enjoy today, remember it - don’t take it for granted A while back I wrote a post on how " I hate the Hypocrisy of fathers day " - because of all the hypocrisy there is involved in these special days. So I thought I would expand on that thought today. You know, sometime we go thru a lot to make someone happy, feel special or just make their day comfortable. But what often happens is expectations are too high and most people either ignore, overlook or simply take for granted what they have and are given. Take for instance yesterday. I’m no big cook, but I decided I was going to make the best dinner I could [ ofcourse I was making ribs my favorite so I wanted the best... mmmmm ]. I went all out - I cooked, I cleaned, I did laundry... why laundry? I did everything I could to make sure my babe came home and had nothing to worry about [ no complaints ] ..... The kids bathed, the cloth washed, the beds made, the food ready and dishes cleaned. So what happened.... Well, first she ca...

Love is a strange fickle thing

Love is a strange fickle thing I grew up with seven brothers and sisters - and as much as we loved each other, we also hated each other. Ok, hate might be too strong a word but - we fought just as much as we loved each other. The funny thing is, my children are the same way. For as much as they love each other - they fight like cats and dogs. They seem to want to get on each others nerves. Yesterday they were watching TV in the living room and it seemed like they were bitter rivals. Everything was a challenge. They couldn’t go twenty seconds without something to snicker and fight about. My son who seems to be the more “sneaky” of the two - found pleasure in ratting his sister out when he found some spilled juice in the frig. He came running to us with this happy grin as he said “ooh KIKI spilled a lot of juice all over the floor.... come, hurry, look”. But what makes me laugh is that as much as they fight - they can’t be separated. A perfect example was this morning. I wake up early an...

Raw video - Elephant Rampage

WARNING: This report contains graphic material. Apr. 23 - An elephant has killed three people, including a 75 year old woman during a rampage at a temple festival in India's southern Kerala.The elephant suddenly became violent and ran amok, trampling and goring people at the temple. The animal was eventually tranquillized.

8 arrested in filmed beating of teenage girl ??

Is it youtube, becoming popular thru online video or hope of stardome that people do such stupid acts. The assualt on the girl is bad enough... [ that's the reason I am over protective with my children ] ... but to think that they filmed this act of violence in hopes of becoming popular online???? Are they evil and stupid! *** Personally, I would have told my duaghter to fight back. *** This girl should have picked up something hard, sharp or deadly and wacked one of her attackers. And this dad - sorry, But I would not have been so calm. I probably would have been arrested for beating the shit out of my duaghters attackers.....

Popular soap opera offends flieght attendants

Flight attendants in Thailand are up in arms about a popular soap opera which they say insults their profession. "War of Angels" features flight attendants committing adultery and getting involved in cat fights. Air crew say the programme is "insulting." They're so fed up they've delivered a petition to the government demanding the soap is dropped from the schedules. --------------------------- I wonder what that says about us [America] we have television that not only fictitiously portrays adulterers and liars and so forth but now were on a being of reality TV where we can watch shows like "Cheaters" real adulterers and shows that show women going on a date with five men or hey - what about Apprentice and Survivor - you can really see dirt fly there..... they think their offended. I'm offended to be called an American.

Why men are never depressed

WHY MEN ARE NEVER DEPRESSED: Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase....

My little Soldier

I was wondering if your pro Iraq war and for the Soldiers staying to finish the job - what does this picture make you think and feel? I personally believe that it would be another vietnam if we leave. A crime [ right or wrong ] to send our Soldiers and then not give them the support they need or allow them to win.

Call the Paparazzi Off !!!

Camera’s have a weird effect on people- It doesn’t matter who you are someone always want you to take a photo or a picture. And boy does it take for ever for that right photo. Oh, and God forbid if that video gets on youtube [ call the Paparazzi ]….

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