
Showing posts with the label science

The Future is here???? YUK!

Well, I guess all those years of Science Fiction Futuristic TV was not as bad for me as dear old mom said it would be. Think of it - cloning bodies, Frankenstein, Body snatchers, creating life in a lab, factory. Yes while the life that was created always turned out to be monstrous and destructive - it prepared open minded children to believe in the possibilities of science. Imagine, in today’s science were walking towards a future were you can grow transplant organs in a lab outside a body. The fear ofcourse is, that the same TV that spurred the minds of children to reach these lofty goals - are the same TV shows that showed us the moral and unpredictable problems of this science. One day it will be clone your pet, then separate organs, then an entire clone body. How do you deal with that? A separate human, clone, is it you, does it have life???? Does it have rights???? It has made for many a good movies - but what about real life?????

Glow in Dark Cats?

Well, I guess you'll never worry about your cat sneaking up on you in the dark? When I was a kid, I admit it, I loved star Trek and Star wars - I thought the future was bright. I atleast thought that by the time I had kids we would have flying cars like the jetsons cartoon - but all we have so far is "glowing cats" way to go science geeks.......

Hobbit bones found - could it be Bill Bogget from Lord of the rings?

True Hobbits apparently existed in history. Now considering how scientist view the world - I don’t know if the existence of “Hobbits” mean that evolution is a proven fact - or weather the Trilogy of “Lord of the Rings” is an actual tail of historical facts? It amazes me how science works today - you can find a piece of a bone fragment and scientist some how know what this bone was - a hobbit who wore green cloths and knew a friend called “Bill Bogget” from wilshire ave…….LoL. Did hobbits exist? Does it some how prove that Evolution is correct and not a theory that can not be proven or disproved? Someone call hollywood - we may have some copyright infringement law issues.

Sea scorpion bigger than a human male????

Could it be true - what do you think? Scientists have found the fossilised claw of a 2.5 metre long sea scorpion, a nighmarish creature living before the age of dinosaurs. German scientist Markus Poschmann, who found the claw in a quarry around 15 years ago, says scientists didn't previously know that these prehistoric animals were so big. Joanna Partridge reports Soundbite: Markus Poschmann, scientist who discovered fossilised sea scorpion claw.

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