
Showing posts with the label spanking

dealing with your childs disruptive temper tantrums?

Curbing Child tantrums Question: how do you deal with your childr's disruptive temper tantrums? Parents TV weighs in [ see video below ] Look, maybe I'm old school - hell, I am old school. Want to know how I deal with children’s tantrums - "Corporal Punishment".. That’s right - I said it. I know, your shocked, surprised, appalled - oh my. Look, I am not talking about abuse or child endangerment - I'm talking about punishing your child. Depending on what age my child is and his/her mental capacity [ meaning if it hurts him more to take away the x-box than a spanking - take the x-box away ]. And ofcourse if your child leans towards talking fine talk - but. I mean but, never forget your child is a child and will do things to test your limits and it will require you to punish that child in a corporal manner [ spanking ]. Let me give you an example: My father-in-law has this story. He tells me that when his youngest daughter was very small he asked her to do something ...

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