
Showing posts with the label wacky

Anything today is called "ART"

Are these people sick or what? Has the art world fallen so much that any moron with no talent can come up with a crazy scheem and call it "art"....??? Just thinking of this Lice exhibition is making me scratch my head - no really, I think I cuaght something. Man, i bet if I took a pile of "Dung" [crap ] and smeared it on the wall, someone in this crazy world would call it art and buy it for thousands of dollars [ wait, that's an idea........]

What I got for Christmas - A Butt whoppin !!

A traditional holiday fist-fight Dec. 27 - Peruvians dance and fight at a traditional festival designed to wipe the slate clean of personal problems. It starts with dancing and a religious processions on Christmas Day. But instead of exchanging gifts participants then trade blows. Lindsay Claiborn reports.

Sea scorpion bigger than a human male????

Could it be true - what do you think? Scientists have found the fossilised claw of a 2.5 metre long sea scorpion, a nighmarish creature living before the age of dinosaurs. German scientist Markus Poschmann, who found the claw in a quarry around 15 years ago, says scientists didn't previously know that these prehistoric animals were so big. Joanna Partridge reports Soundbite: Markus Poschmann, scientist who discovered fossilised sea scorpion claw.

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