
Showing posts with the label wild fishing

Monster Fish - Alaska Halibut

Monster fish – Alaska Halibut Ok, I said before that I didn’t like fishing. Tried it once and all I got was sun burn and a sore butt from sitting on my boat. Admittedly it was a small boat and I did not know what I was doing. But I always found fishing to be boring. My friend goes all the time and there are days he tells me he spends hours on the water only to come home empty handed. This fishing looks FUN! Of course, these monster fish like the Alaska Halibut are nothing to sneeze at. Just looking at the pictures I can’t help but think: wow that must have been an exciting time. Imagine fighting with that thing and all you have is a pole and a string [ I know fishing rod but still]. The more I look at these stories the more I want to jump on a plain fly over to Alaska and catch me one of these monster fishes. Anyone have some extra money they can lend me – I’ll give you the fish I just want the pictures and the story of a life time. So far here are some tips I picked up... Always have ...

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