
Showing posts with the label women stronger

What Men are really thinking?

What are men really thinking? You have to admit, the age old question has gone unanswered for a very long time. But today I let all women around the world, or at least those who read this blog “What men really think about”? You’ve heard it before - Men are from mars and Women are from Venus. But the truth is that what men are thinking about can be summed up into three categories. The first one is: physical, you know it I know it - do I have to spell it out. The second is: food, that is another given, full stomach makes and keeps a man happy. Why you think men love women who can cook…. The third is the one that has been kept secret from women by their significant others, boyfriend and husband. That secret will now be revealed to all of you today. To soften the blow I will share it with you in the form of a musing cartoon. So now you know. The truth is out. What your boyfriend, Man, Husband is thinking when he has a smile on his face, and when you ask him, why he says: “Oh, I’m...

Woman not stronger - men just stupid

Woman not stronger - men just stupid I found a leak in the master bath [ sink ]. It wasn’t bad but enough to eventually do some damage. So I put a bucket under the sink and proceeded to make sure I knew exactly what was broken, what needed to be replace and of course don’t spend a lot of money [ if you remember my water heater experience - that was a mess ]. So after figuring it all out [ I thought] I told my wife that I was off to home depot. She responded by saying: “ you don’t love me like you use to anymore.” What? What was she talking about? Where did this come from, what did this have to do with the leak? She continued “ Before if I asked you for something you would do what ever you could to get it for me, now you don’t. it’s like you don’t love me any more…” sob, tear, … I’m not sure how it happened but my dilemma with the leak became a test of my love for my wife. I thought fixing the pipe was an example of my love, you didn’t have to tell me three hundred times to fix it? You ...

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