
What I got for Christmas - A Butt whoppin !!

A traditional holiday fist-fight Dec. 27 - Peruvians dance and fight at a traditional festival designed to wipe the slate clean of personal problems. It starts with dancing and a religious processions on Christmas Day. But instead of exchanging gifts participants then trade blows. Lindsay Claiborn reports.

Wasting your time twirling pen??

When I was growing up, all I ever heard was - “work hard, don’t waste your time on trivial things and you will be a success”…. As a nation we here our American education system is shot and that the Japanese have students who have no summers off and work long school days. This is why America is falling behind…….. Now I find out that video games could have made me a millionaire. That silly computer “nerdy” tech stuff could have made me the next bill gates. I also know that the Japanese culture plays more video games, online fantasy games and spends a lot of time trivial things - like perfecting the “art “ of twirling pens in their hands. I guess we were wrong…… Maybe I’ve learned one thing over the years of my life - I will never tell my children that something it too trivial or useless. It just may be the next big thing and they will be the next bill gates or Myspace, or who knows - millionaire champion pen twirler…………………

Tis the season to be teasered?

Don't get me wrong but this season seems to be a bit more rough on me than previouse one's. I personally witness a store clerk get malled as he tried to bring in some Wii nintendo units to place on the shelf. When some one is almost trampled becuase a couple of parents need that oh so wanted gift - maybe everyone should carry a stun gun? But give me a break - even if the woman in the video below was irate and a bit out of control [ maybe - hard to tell on video ] - I still don't believe that she should have been stunned. I'm starting to think this is getting out of control here. I always get that stupid alarm ring from the security buzzered becuase the register girl didn't decoded it right - am I going to get tased one day becuase that alarm went off and a security guard will find it easier to tase me than to confront me?

Is God a control freak?

Is God a control freak? Are we the choices we make? Do bald people use shampoo? Are these really the questions we want answered? Are we willing to go to the unnamed and unidentified masses online to get seriouse answers? Or is this another cute way of getting to meet people online on one more interesting social site like myspace and facebook? I visted the site and it was interesting, and it may be fun - but i wouldn't put to much stock on the answers you may find. I personally like the discussion forums better than the "yes or No" question parts. But hey - it is a social site so it's suppose to be fun.......... and according to 73% of the people who answered the bald question - no they don't use

Do bald people need shampoo? Another Social site?

Do bald people need shampoo? Good question. When Yuchen Long, 14, posted this question on the beta version of a new site called Wisdom on Monday, she got 63 answers in less than three hours, but no clear consensus: while 77% of respondents said no, 23% clicked yes. All those votes made Long's query one of the most popular on this new breed of social networking site that aims to bring people together based not on their school (as in Facebook), sexy pictures (MySpace) or job (LinkedIn), but rather on their own sense of humor and knack for keeping virtual conversations flowing. Described by TIME Magazine as "your next web obsession", Wisdom is where you share answers to life's questions, large and small. Wisdom is FREE, easy and fun. Have a question? Ask the crowd. Connect with compatible minds. Share your words of Wisdom . Why is Wisdom Wicked Fun? Answer intriguing questions & be part of the of the crowds. The fun of a skill game PLUS the insight of othe...

Glow in Dark Cats?

Well, I guess you'll never worry about your cat sneaking up on you in the dark? When I was a kid, I admit it, I loved star Trek and Star wars - I thought the future was bright. I atleast thought that by the time I had kids we would have flying cars like the jetsons cartoon - but all we have so far is "glowing cats" way to go science geeks.......

Did you Know ....?

Did You Know..... Coca-Cola was originally green. ---------------------------------------- It is impossible to lick your elbow. ---------------------------------------- The State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work : Alaska ---------------------------------------- The cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven : $6,400 ---------------------------------------- The average number of people airborne over the U.S. in any given hour : 61,000 --------------------------------------- Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. ---------------------------------------- The first novel ever written on a typewriter : Tom Sawyer. -------------------------------------- Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king in history: Spades - King David Hearts - Charlemagne Clubs -Alexander, the Great Diamonds - Julius Caesar ---------------------------------------- 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 ------------------------------...

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