
How do you know your old?

How do you know your old? that is a good question. Well here are two tips: One - if you have to take time to count the candles - your old.... two - when the room fills with smoke after you blow out the candles, boy you are old!

Having Thanksgiving early ??? a week early...

What do you do when all the family shows up at your house two weeks before thanksgiving? You have thanksgiving early - really - really early. We had the family from New York come down for two weeks - so we had thanksgiving dinner before they went back to NY. Talk about hecktic - I guess the one good thing is that we may have saved some money on shaopping - supermarkets always hike up the prices before the holidays. We also avoided the mad rush at the stores... but boy, having that many people at your house - way to much work. If I counted right, there were about tweenty people at the house more if I missed some of the kids.... Here take a look: see video

The Fear and Joy of being a Dad ?

I've been working on teaching my four year old son how to ride his bike with out the training wheels. Ofcourse his Mom didn't help by putting the training wheels back on the bike - talk about a giant step backwards. This last week I had some time to spend with him and I went thru the process of teaching him from scratch - again..... After I built up his confidence - in that I wouldn't let him fall - I had one single thought in my mind... God I hope he doesn't crash or hit the ground hard ???? I couldn't help but picture him going down in a blaze of glory - blaming me for not stopping him from falling... Maybe it had to do with the fact that I made the same promise to my duaghter a few years back and I couldn't keep it.. She didn't trust me for a while when it came to the bike... Or maybe it was becuase I was holding a video camera - and hey, it would make a good you tube video... if he falls that is [ people love to see others suffer - sick world..] But all

I need my Gun America !

Ever wonder why Americans need thier Guns? I believe in the constitution - and it's provision that says we have a right to bare arms. people say - ban guns and you can cut down crime.... let me ask you something? Drugs are illigal and a banned substance - does that stop the criminals? Driving drunk is illigal and banned - does that stop the drunks? Criminals do not go to legal places to buy weapons... they go to other criminals or they find other means to get illigal weapons. Do you think stopping law abiding citizins from getting a gun [ for hunting or protect] will some how stop criminals from getting guns. How many people you know carry automatic weapons - only criminals... do you think they bought it at walmart??????? And the normal people who have guns like automactic machine guns got them thru less than legal means... so how does keeping the average legal American from being able to excersize his/her right to bear arms going to stop crime????

BlackBerry Storm

Black Berry Storm - New verizon phone. this exclusive cell phone from Verizon is the Iphone killer. This Black Berry Storm is what I consider - the Dream phone. Blackberry Storm comming soon.

Unbelievable stories - But all TRUE!!!

Here are some stories I've been saving for when my kids grow up - actual events - funny.... It is very important to always know what to do in case of an emergency. It can save lives to be prepared. While walking down the street one day, my wife mistook the sound of a car back firing for the sound of a gun shot. She immediately went into action. She grabbed my arm and screamed “ everyone, STOP, DROP and Roll !” As a father, I try to teach my children the best way I know how. When my son turned two (2), he and my daughter found it an enjoyable exercise to run wildly around the house. Since my son does everything his sister does, I explained to my little girl that I wanted her to walk, not run in the house. It was a dangerous and unsafe thing to do, that is how people get hurt. If your running you can easily run into something and seriously get hurt. Feeling sure she understood what I was telling her, I turned around and walked straight into the closed glass porch door.... We decide

Crazy long weekend - ENDLESS .......

Way to long of a crazy week end.... Things sort of become a blur when your so busy to take a moments breath. Let’s just give you a glimpse of what I mean - starting Friday morning - woke up and got the kids ready, took them to school, drove back home and took care of some things. Then I set up the tent in the back yard for my daughters sleep over party - rushed over to pick up my son at school at eleven thirty. Then drive all the way home to prepare his lunch , change his cloth and prepare for work. Drive him over to my brother-in-law’s house and off to work. After getting out of work at 8:35 pm, I drove home to eat, play with the kids and help my daughter start building her school model project. I went to bed around eleven thirty and woke up early Saturday to get myself and my son ready for his school friend birthday party. I like these people - even though it was raining, they had the birthday party. So I help by holding an umbrella over the grill to help cook the food [ after all I