
Verizon wireless Price change - unlimited talk

Verizon has finally realized that despite the better service -money talks and bull walks.. well, in this case, the bad economy and hard times are more of a factor than better service. People have been moving to Boost and Metro pc [ even if it is crappy service ] mainly because of the price. Also { I presume } in response to Sprints attempt to desperately keep it's remaining customers from leaving [ unlimited talk and everything low price campaign ] Verizon finally lowered some prices in it's price plan. But is it enough? New Changes to VZW price plan change for: New name and price single line - unlimited - "talk" @ $69.99 single line - unlimited - "talk and text" @ $89.99 * certain models require "data" feature with activation. Data plans: $9.99 25 mb [ w/ email ] *(0.20 after allowed usage) $29.99 unlimited [ w/ email ] *( can be placed on simple phone) Family share Plan - unlimited - "Talk" @ $119.99 [2 phones] family share plan - unlim

Children, computer virus and planning MURDER

Children, computer virus and planning MURDER I wrote in my last post about my computer getting infected with a virus, now as I sit here at work with the only computer I have access to for internet – I am thinking of planning [ yes premeditated ] Murder. Normally I have all my files backed up – but hey it was Christmas, then new years – I have been busy so I didn’t back up or make copies of all the holiday pictures, videos and all the work I wasn’t suppose to do during the holidays. But now that my computer has this darn %#@&*+! Virus I can not even seem to save my pictures to cd. The virus lets my computer run a cd but when I go to copy to a clean cd, it says it can’t find it. I know, I copy the files I have to run a virus scan on any copied information before I store it in another computer – but atleast I would have it copied. Really, this bites and I am considering Murder – well at most a severe punishment. I can not believe this, I have even downloaded a new anti virus program i

children, computer virus and crash.....

Children and computer virus – didn’t you listen!?! I am at work during my slow period of the day, writing this blog as a way of venting my frustration. I like most parents have virus protection, parental guide on my computer and warn my kid all the time. I don not let her search the net nilly willy with no supervision – but – yes [ but means forget what I just said…] my wife has other methods. Now I am not saying that my daughter goes online to sites that are inappropriate – but they do not realize that viruses can be found anywhere online. Apparently when I got home my computer was fried – some virus had infected it. How did I now, because my daughter asked me to help her turn off the computer because there was some pop up stopping her ???? How did I know It was infected – because I had several porno links with images on my desk top! When I asked what she [ my daughter ] had done…. “me, nothing, I didn’t do anything..” It took about an twenty minutes for her to confess that she was do

Why is the Government watching me and you

Why is the Government watching Me and you I openly oppose the government - by that I mean, oppose big government. I am not in favor of more and more government control. When I talk to people about my concerns about the government being too big, having too much control - I usually get that “he is crazy” look. Well, four months ago my name was part of the census program thingy. Every month for three months the same guy shows up at my door asking me questions the government needs to know. For three months, every month - the same darn questions: Who lives here? How old are we? Do we work? How many hours do you work? Do you have more than one job or PT job? I was being nice, patient - I know that currently the jobs numbers are very important. The government wants to know who is working and who is not ??? Check the tax rolls fools…. But, again, I was being nice and even though it was getting on my nerves I did my best to answer the same questions over and over and over again. Then I received

What do you give a football fan as birthday Gift - ACC championship seats !

My son has become a big Football fan - he doen't care if it is college or nfl, he just likes football. So this year he has been counting down the days till christmas, his birthday and the ACC college Football championship game held in Tampa Bay stadium. Personally, I have been been to a game [ live ] - I prefer watching my games on TV where there are no lines to the bathroom, no drunks and I don't worry about the weather. But he really wanted to go - and we had a blast! ACC College Footbal Championship !!! The best thing about being there live was the Pre-game show [ missed the opportunity to take pictures of the guys who parachuted down to the field ]. The bad thing about being there live - idiots who keep blocking my sons view - {#&*+&^#@!!!!!} - go home you drunks. Ofcourse we had to have our own after game party at the Hotel, you know we roll like that - check out my son, his team won !!! Even Mama got sucked up into the party celebration, my team lost so I just to

Banned From McDonalds ??? Oh NO!!!!!

As I did some of my Christmas shopping today - mostly for the wife [ took kids to get mom a gift ] I decided to forgo my doctors orders and eat at my favorite fast food place - [ say it with me ] "McDonalds.... just rolls of the tongue.... :) So, I went into McDonalds and as I stood in line waiting for 12 minutes as a single man argued with the manager about McDonalds charging him .30 cents extra for extra onions on his dollar hamburger. The manager explained to the customer that it was corporate policy and not just this one stores policy - but the man continued to insist that he always gets extra onions for free. As I waited surprised at how this man really was making an as* of himself [ or maybe it was because I was hungry and wanted to push him out of my way ] but finally the manager gave him the number to McDonalds corporate 1-800 number. So he finally stepped aside [ so I can make my order ] to call the corporate office. As I made my order he came back to the manager and agai

children facing a Socialist America

Freedom - people think your nuts when you tell them that we're losing it. They think that it's great that government is getting bigger becuase government will take care of us [ that is the us that don't work, pay taxes and want to be given everything free paid by the so called rich ]. The democrats [ 2009 ] are fighting over Health care reform ... Government messed medicare, abused social security into bankruptcy and tax the poor harsher than the rich. yet they want us to believe they know how to handle health care.... seems like the creator of this 1948 cartoon new better than many of us today. This Cartoon Seemed Far-Fetched In 1948