
Study says video games are good for your brain

Study says video games are good for your brain Video games are good for your brain- study says? Is it true, have all my years of playing video games paid off - said the old man sitting infront of his TV. Have I been wasting my time reading books, improving my mind, to find out that "Mom" was wrong - video games are not rotting my brain? I beg to differ. First you have to understand - I Love video games, so trust me way I say: video games do not make you smart. Especially if your the kind of player [ like most are ] that buys the cheat codes to every game you've played. In fact, I believe that games have been dumb down in order to become more popular. There is only a few handful of games I believe truly improve your brian skills, Monopoly, scrable, but best of all - Chess. But go ahead, read the article below, and read up on why I beleive Chess is the best game for you and your children to play [ as far as building brain power goes ]. Study says nonviolent video games are

Want to fix Marriage, we might want to fix the economy first

If we want to fix marriage and the decline of marriage, we might want to start by fixing the economy. Now that sounds like an interesting article and topic. For Richer or Poorer By Rana Foroohar Social issues, particularly the economics of marriage and childbirth, have been major themes in the Republican primary races. As Charles Murray's much-talked-about book Coming Apart points out, marriage is becoming a luxury good: Well-educated rich people get married and stay married. Most of the rest of the population doesn't. This, along with a spate of studies about the growing number of low-income, single-parent families, has spurred a debate about whether government should push marriage as a poverty-elimination tool. But is it really that simple? To quote Beyonc, would poverty go away if we "put a ring on it"? Statistically it's true... In the TIME magazine March 12, 2012 issue Excuse me if I start by saying - it's left wing tripe. The article was interesting at f

Hate my job, very funny comic

Ever thought, I " hate my job ".... Well, here is a funny comic that goes with a very true story about why people hate their jobs, their managers and usually dream of kiiling their Boss. You have to love this, what makes it funny and sad is that this really happens. Did you like the "hate my job, funny comic" strip? It took me 3 days to think up and create the art work.... it took a real life thirty minute experience to come up with the "hate my job" joke. No, really - let me explain. I work part time for a cellphone retailer. I work about two nights a week, at the local mall, the night shift mostly. Since my manager did not provide me with a key to the bank night drop deposite box, I would prepare any deposite we have [ as well as paper work ] and I would leave it in the cash register for the next shift to take to the bank. My manager had no problem with this, on several occassion I even called him and told him, due to the fact that I had no key

Special Gifts to give on valentines day - Dad not Happy

Special Gifts to give on valentines day - Dad not Happy Do you need a special gift idea for Valentines day, mothers day, for your anniversary, have you thought of something that will say I love you because I took great thought and care in choosing this special gift or does it say you just got the first thing you saw in the Wal-Mart isle. Special Gifts to give on Valentines Day Yes, I had a wonderful valentines day, what I did not enjoy were the days leading up to valentines day. I remember when I was a kid, teen, young adult - how I spent hours trying to find the money first, then trying to come up with the best valentines day gift possible. I always tried to come up with a gift that had meaning, that made a statement, not just some “bling bling“. It could be that the reason I wanted it to mean so much was, because I couldn't afford to buy much “bling bling“. I do remember one valentine's day - I had an awesome idea [ hey it happens ]. I had extra money so I bought the largest

Baby Shower - the things women do in secret?

Baby Shower and the things women do in secret - yeah, I said it. When my wife, I say my wife becuase last time I checked - I can not create or birth babies, so when my wife was pregnant with our first child I was dragged to my first baby shower. I was dragged there, I sat in a corner and tried very hard to blend into the wall hoping no one would notice me. When our second child came along, again I was forced to attend the baby shower. At least at this baby shower I had another husband who was dragged to this wonderful [ womens only ] event. I could ignore most of what was going on as I tried to save my manhood as the only other male figure at this baby shower, we talked sports, cars and our shame as we watched these women talk baby, play baby games and so much more. So, why am I writting about a "Baby Shower and the secrets women keep", becuase I thought that having no future plans to add to my brood [ children ], I thought I could avoid any other baby shower that came

Funny cartoons images, offend politically correct?

Oh you're kidding me - this is funny, sick, hilarious and crazy. I can't believe this hasn't started some out cry from the over politically correct that can't take a joke. Oh, Oh look out they've com to shut down the internet... That's right - I know it's wrong but it did makes me laugh.. What about this one, tell me what you think? Oh, no you didn't! You know this one is funny, except for the fact that I actually had a friend post a picture of his wife after giving birth with some bag covering her "parts" ???? No it was not pretty, nope, no... Child birth is wonderful - but please, let’s not share so much details… not a kodak moment. Please leave a comment - I want to hear from you. And remember to get social - FB like us, digg, twiter and so forth. Thank you.

How to be Saving Money on Gas at the Pump

How to " Save money on Gas " at the Pump The question is: How to save money on gas? Why, because it is getting expensive. When I first moved to Florida people were complaining about paying $1.25 dollars per gallon - today the news was reporting that we may be looking at paying $.50 dollars and even possible upto $5 dollars a gallon for gas at the pump. It makes me sick. Now I know what you’re saying - "I don't need tips on how to conserve gas, I need to save money on gas". Your right - but with that said: first you should learn a few tips on how to conserve gasoline and to control consumption. After all, even if you paid less for gas, using more only means you are still wasting money because of misuse and mismanagement. So you will find a few tips on how to conserve gas in order to save money on gas in oder to control your cost. You will find 8 basic good tips at the end of this article. Saving money on gas at the Pump So, my goal has been to save gas at the pum