Family Vacation, best camping, it's cheap but Fun - Kathryn Abby Hana Park

Boat ride in the large camp ground lake

boating, family camping floridaWe did brave the water and ofcourse being nervous and all I had to break the tension with some funny humor. So I made the owner laugh as I explained to him I wanted the best life vest he had that would help me out float and out swim the rest of my family. What did I get? I got a vest with a whistle ( wow ). He did give my son a scare when he mentioned that the lake has a famous alligator called Bob, at first my son was excited, and then in the next moment he was asking if he could stay on the dock (you and me both kid).

florida camping vacationThe boat ride I admit was enjoyable and fun, but very hard on the legs. After some time of peddling my legs were like jelly. I was glad we decided not to pay for the use of the boat for the whole day because after two hours I was ready to drop dead ( secretly I was glad my children said that they have had enough because I didn't want to sound like a wimp .... “oh, please lets go back?”)

Why Rules are important when you go Camping - to survive your family vacation

Like all kids - vacation is just another reason to break the rules. Why is it important to where your bike helmet, because Izzy my niece crashed into a tree head on going downhill on a trail. Wow.... thank you Lord she survived that. Yet, that did not stop her from continuing to "NOT WEAR HER HELMET" as she rode her bike. Kids....... gotta love’em for their spunk.

florida camping vacation cheapOfcourse here is where I stopped sending myself emails. I was simply having too much fun, I still carried my cell phone with me to take as many pictures as I could, but I was no longer sending myself messages. We walked the beach at sun set, we rode our bikes up to the naval base [ that till then I did not know was even there ], we took the in-laws for a bike ride down the beach side as the sun set. We played dominos, chess, we – my father in-law & I, even taught my nephews and my son how to play chess and not just the basics. The family spent hours at the beach taking sun, playing with the wave board [ a failed attempt, no one could make it work].

beach camping floridaThis was the first camping vacation we didn’t go to a local restaurant to eat, we all stood in camp every day and we all took turns preparing and cooking food. It was a great time. No, it was not heaven – we had spats, some desired to do this when others wanted to do something else – but in the end we realized that we all could have fun as long as we allowed everyone to do what they wanted to do. When we remembered that the most important thing about this family camping vacation was “family”, everything always worked out for the best.

florida camping beach bestAfter all, why do we take family vacations? Why do we want to escape the hassle of work? Why do we plan to get away from it all – if not to spend that precious free time with your loved ones, your family, your children? To create the memories we will so cherish when we are old, our children will desire to recreate with their children. That is why to me, a family camping vacation is not about saving money – but more about family, about time, about memories.

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best camping vacation

family vacation best camping

Part One: Family Camping Vacation

Part two: Fun camping vacation


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