I need my Internet Fix -am I addicted, no ??

I need my next fix – Am I addicted?

Well here I am in the library trying to write my post on my blog when I realized I have a serious addiction. And I didn’t even know it!

What happened? Well, my computer crashed and it’s in the repair shop – it’s been 6 days and I’ve spent all my time thinking about my computer, finding and using other computers with internet access in order to log on to my sites and blogs.

Then it hit me, I’m like a junkie running all over town looking for my fix?

I can’t believe it. I didn’t realize how needy I am. How much I obsess with my online activities. Yea I thought I spent too much time online – but, when you have to go cold turkey… you start to crave it even more. You know you’ve hit rock bottom when your at the library ready to push some elderly woman out from in front of the computer you want………

Boy I have it bad. Oh how I miss my computer. Nice clean, slick, set up with all my list of fav’s and ready to guide me in this online world ....... Oh God help me.


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