Embarrassing or Just Having Fun
Embarrassing or Just Having Fun in the pool!Now my wife may think this is embarrassing and may be angry with me for showing this video - but I couldn’t help it. Is it wrong to share - is it wrong to video record your family having fun, enjoying themselves? I can’t help but think about how one day, all we will have is our memories of our kids growing up. What better way to preserve those memories than having actual video records of the funny event.
My wife might think it’s embarrassing and yes it makes me laugh - but lets be real people... this is what you remember when you grow old. Having fun with your kids and all those funny embarrassing moments. It’s like some of the fun memories we have of our youth - ask my wife what she remembers most about some of her camping trips with her Mom and Dad and she’ll bring up the time her mother fell off the hammock… she said she wish she had captured the moment on film.. So that’s what I’ve done.