Funny 12 Days of Christmas Special - Harry Havery

Funny 12 Days of Christmas Song

Harry Havery, came and gave a wonderful christmas special. I wish we could have uploaded the entire funny video - he was great. But Youtube didn't allow such a large file to be uploaded so we [ with permission from the event creators and Harry Havery ] uploaded one of the funniest parts of the whole christmas special. The kids, especially the girls were screaming, laughing and going crazy. I myself had a blast.

Oh, those kids had me cracking up, I couldn't believe how they reacted to his song. I couldn't keep a striaght face, I was amazed that Mr. Havery could sing the whole whole without breaking down in laughter.

I hoped you enjoy the video, I hope you have [ had ] a very merry merry christmas and a happy new year. May your time be filled with joy, loved ones and peace. The holidays are and were meant to be a time of joy, rest, laughter and peace. Do not get lost in the hussle and bussle of the season and I plan and hope you do the same: to make the reason of the season last all year long.


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