FaceBook wants me to “PAY” for likes? social media?

FaceBook wants me to “PAY” for likes?

Considering that FaceBook is called a social network where the society of its members vote up or down by the votes they give people (votes as in –LIKES) I find it surprising and disturbing that I am bombarded with emails, notifications and the likes by FaceBook to pay for page "likes".

need facebook likes
Don’t get me wrong – I am all for business, capitalism – Go American entrepreneurism! I just find it odd that a website called a “social” website where people gather to share stuff is not only offering members to pay and purchase likes but it seems – at least by my test, to be restricting its members from sharing freely in order to entice people to advertise on what should be an open social site.

For example: I currently have 57 likes on my FaceBook fan page. My understanding is that people who like your page will be able to see what you are posting “status update” – correct?

My Page: www.facebook.com/dowellinschool

But on numerous occasions I have updated my status and found that even 15 days later, only 15 to 30 people have seen my status. Now explain this to me, because I may be in error. If you like a page in order to keep in contact with said “liked” page and expect to see their updates (unless you place restrictions) why if possible, do only a small percentage of people will see an update?

For example: I took my personal page and sent out an update. I then went to several family members FB pages and found that 1 out of 10 received my update. I have done this on several occasions and have even asked my wife and she tells me “I never saw your update”. Now my wife may be lying to me, but that doesn’t explain my daughter, brothers and others.

It bothers me, not because I am obsessive with FB but rather for the fact that I am being bombarded with constant reminders and request from Fb to advertise my Fan page in order to get more likes. I thought the whole purpose of Fb was to share, to have friends of friends see your status update and to visit your page and therefore possibly like it – as in organic traffic.

Granted, what I want is to promote my children’s book to motivate students to learn. But I feel somewhat cheated by the whole experience – I want people to like my fan page because they like it – not because they saw an ad or were tricked by an ad to like a page. Personally I hate it when I get a status update about how a friend liked the coca cola page or other business page.

I would love to have 100,000 likes – but if I buy them, get them through trickery; what good is it?

So the question is: do only celebrities get free organic likes or do only people who pay for “likes” get large amounts of traffic due to the “paying for like” system and what does that really say about the so called social site?


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