Amazon Student (college) program is kinda cool (save some money)

Amazon Student is a membership program created especially for college students.

Amazon Student members receive six months of FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime on eligible purchases and e-mail alerts for discounts and promotions. Discounts and promotions will be e-mailed to your e-mail account or made available on the Amazon Student membership page at

get free stuffFREE Two-Day Shipping
Wait until the last minute and avoid the lines with FREE Two-Day Shipping on textbooks and tons of other stuff.

Unlimited instant streaming
Watch 41,000 movies & TV episodes on your laptop, phone, tablet, & gaming console when you join Amazon Prime for $49/year (half off $99 full annual price).

Borrow FREE Kindle books
Choose from more than 500,000 books to borrow for free with no due dates when you join Amazon Prime for $49/year (half off $99 full annual price).

Unlimited Music Streaming
Unlimited, ad-free access to over a million songs and hundreds of playlists. Prime music allows instant playback on your favorite device anytime, even when you are offline, and comes free with your Amazon Prime membership.

Deals and promotions for Students
Get exclusive offers and discounts on items you love, need, and want. You’ll also be eligible for sweepstakes, giveaways, and contests.

Earn a $10 Credit for each referral
Receive a $10 Credit for referring friends via email and social networks with no limit on the number of referrals made.

Amazon Student members will automatically continue receiving FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime when their free period is over with automatic renewal.

Join Amazon Student FREE Two-Day Shipping for College Students

If you started an Amazon Student free trial before March 20, 2014, you'll be charged at a membership rate of $39 when it automatically renews. If you start a free trial on or after that date, you'll be charged at a membership rate of $49 upon automatic renewal.

If you have an existing paid annual Amazon Student Prime membership, you'll be automatically renewed at a membership rate of $49.

Your Student Prime benefits can't be shared with another account, but if you continue with a paid membership, you'll also receive access to thousands of Prime Instant Video titles, Prime Music, and a Kindle book to borrow for free each month from the Kindle Owners' Lending Library. Benefits are subject to restrictions, such as geographic limitations, as stated in our Amazon Prime Help pages. If you don't wish to continue with paid Prime benefits you can set them to not automatically upgrade at any time during the free period.

After you graduate or at the end of your fourth year of Amazon Student Prime benefits, whichever comes first, your subscription will automatically upgrade on its anniversary date into a full paid subscription for Amazon Prime.

If you receive notice of your graduation before March 20, 2014, you'll be charged at an Amazon Prime membership rate of $79 on your renewal date. If you receive notice on or after March 20, 2014, you'll be charged at a membership rate of $99.

Once the paid membership is selected, you'll no longer be eligible for the free period even if the paid membership is canceled.


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