
Showing posts with the label free cellphone

No you Don't need a Droid FREE cell phone

Really, what a great deal - but no, I don't think you need a Droid cell phone. No, even if it is a FREE cell phone..... Yep, that was my opinion - not that it mattered much. Why, Because she [ my wife ] went out and got herself a Droid cell phone. Great it’s a free cell phone at this website - Verizon Wireless Android Sale . I personally believe that 99 percent of the people who own any kind of "smart" cell phone - do not really need it. In fact most of these people do nothing with these smart phones other than use them as toys. The funny thing is that I watch people with their cell phone, I have two co-workers who have smart phones and they basically use it as a toy at work. They don’t do anything productive at work with their cell phone, they just watch videos, play games and spend their time on facebook. Wow, I remember how smart phones were originally sold as tools for business people so they can stay connected with their business. Today staying connected means kee...

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