
STOP, DROP, and Roll you idoit ??? Funny

Ok, I couldn't help but reminisce a couple of days back as I shared a story with some family on our Christmas break. And as I remembered all the laughs [ at my wifes expense ] I thought to myself: " Have I ever shared this online on my blog"? The more I thought about the silly incident, the more I wanted to share the experience with you. Ofcourse, being me I couldn't help but draw up a comic - after all, sometimes a good joke needs visual effects to make it pop. So I've drawn up a comic strip of the incident [ see below ] and I will explain the details below. After all, timing is everything right? So, did you get it, did you laugh? Believe it or not it was based on a true story. We were on a family vacation in NY City, visiting family and as always missing the city since we now live in the south.... [ Florida ] So my wife, my brother-in-law and I decide to take a walk around the old neighborhood. Now granted we missed the city, but we live in a bad nei

Funny 12 Days of Christmas Special - Harry Havery

Funny 12 Days of Christmas Song Harry Havery, came and gave a wonderful christmas special. I wish we could have uploaded the entire funny video - he was great. But Youtube didn't allow such a large file to be uploaded so we [ with permission from the event creators and Harry Havery ] uploaded one of the funniest parts of the whole christmas special. The kids, especially the girls were screaming, laughing and going crazy. I myself had a blast. Oh, those kids had me cracking up, I couldn't believe how they reacted to his song. I couldn't keep a striaght face, I was amazed that Mr. Havery could sing the whole whole without breaking down in laughter. I hoped you enjoy the video, I hope you have [ had ] a very merry merry christmas and a happy new year. May your time be filled with joy, loved ones and peace. The holidays are and were meant to be a time of joy, rest, laughter and peace. Do not get lost in the hussle and bussle of the season and I plan and hope you do the same: to

I want my Free Juice - Adventure at Winn Dixie

Adventure in Winn Dixie - I want my Free Juice! Let's start at the beginning. My wife has her family down, we are low on food so we whip out our weekly Winn Dixie coupon flyer and figure out what we are going to get. Economy is tough and every dollar counts - so we want to be savvy, get those deals, savings and what not. After all groceries can be very expensive. So my wife goes online and tells me they [ Winn Dixie ] is having a special and she wants me to buy "10" V8 Splash juices and that we get 5 free. I thought impossible - she proved me wrong. She showed me the flyer and showed me online. Not happy about being proven wrong I decide to leave her home and go with my daughter - you know dad daughter family bonding time [ truth - get away from the misses time... ] So while were having fun shopping and I'm driving my daughter crazy as she pushes this heavy shopping cart around the grocery store. Yes, I went and got the 15 V8 splash juices first. I'm thinking he

Christmas tree feelings - violated

Christmas Tree feelings - Violated ? It’s Christmas time and the Christmas tree is finally up. You’ve probably have seen it posted up on face book. But did you hear about the feelings, the emotions, the weirdness that it brought on. Family time is awesome. One of the most memorable memories one can have is of having the family gathering together to put up the tree and the decorations. But unlike most memories I am going to have this one memory of my nephew violating my Christmas tree for the rest of my life. Yes, I have proof - a picture can speak volumes. Yes, not staged, not pre-empted, it just happened. The sickness, the horror, the emotional distress. Well, except for the emotional scare that I will bare for the rest of my life - it was fun. Nothing compares to having those moments that you carry with you forever. Memories you make that are yours, memories that not only make you smile but bring warmth to your heart. The times we often dread, often avoid and later regret that we m

Meet Barry Smith (wasp) WWII "first" Female Pilot

Today I meet Barry Smith... and I was amazed. Barry Smith (wasp) WWII Female Pilot Age 91, and still full of vigor and life. She was here at my school to speak to the children [ our new generation ] about her life, her accomplishments, about being one of the only three hundred surviving First WWII American woman [ female] pilots of an original group of only a little more than 1,000. She told the students of her struggle to work her way into the interview process of "first women Air Force pilots" and the interesting antics of being a woman pilot in a "man" only world. Being only elementary students only the adults seemed to understand that part of her speak. She explained how she tested airplanes to insure they were safe for our "men" in the war to fly safely in combat overseas. She told us about how When her brother told her to try out to be an Air Force pilot, how she had to accrue 35 hours of fly time just to get into the interview. How no o

Why aren't you Romantic anymore ???

Marriage, it's a wonderful thing. But it also has a special kind of place if you will. It is nothing like you see in the movies or Television. It certainly is not like what you see in the commercials. The reality of life as a married couple is more something like this...... It's not that when you get married you stop romanticizing about each other. It is not that you don't desire each other, after all that’s how we got those darn kids.... It is not that we don't love each other. The reality of life is that marriage - a true marriage [ a union of two that becomes one ] is so much more than what we fantasize about or is portrayed before us in cinema. The truth about marriage is ..... You know everything about each other. They snore, they toss in their sleep. Hell, some of them fart in their sleep [ that‘s right I said it - I don‘t do it but I have a family member who does - camping story for another time ]. We see each other do things that single people do, but are too em

Funny Joke: The many faces of Santa Cluase

Ok, I couldn't help it, it's christmas. How can i not make a joke, a cartoon, a silly fopar [ did i spell that right? ]. It's the best time of the year... Normally I am not into christmas, atleast not for me - you know for the kids. But this year even with all the bad - I am enjoying the spirit of christmas ??? Singing and humming carols. I don't know what is wrong with me - my heart must have grown three sizes....