Transformers 2: revenge of the fallen

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

If your an old time fan of Transformers [ the old cartoon TV show ] and you loved the first movie "Transformers" - you better drag yourself down to the local movie theater and watch this thing on a big screen.

transformers 2This was a Father and Son outing. With my son, I normally go to the theater during the matinee hours. In my town, it’s usually just me and five other people in the audience - today the house was packed and man let me tell you this movie was filled with action, explosions, drama and good laughs. Let me tell you I was not embarrassed to laugh out loud.

I loved the fact that my son was automatically in a trance thru the whole movie.
“Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen “ is a good movie don’t let anyone fool you. It has it all - parents can enjoy it, the kids can enjoy it and if your not a Sci Fi kind of person - transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will make you laugh and will leave you wanting to see more.

This was one of the few times it was just me and my son going out to a movie - I was concerned it would be to scary or too loud [ the kid hates loud movies ] But he loves soldiers, tanks and fight scenes. Man he was drooling over the combat scenes with all the explosions and action.

Yes, if you’re an old fan of the original Transformers TV cartoon series - you know things are not the same. But then again, they have made so many re-vamps to that series that nothing can truly hold up to the original. But all in all this was a good movie. And again - Best seen in a theater with a large screen and loud surround sound…. Look out Optimus Prime ....

transformers 2

Transformers 2


Unknown said…
hey, i am glad you liked the film..I'm not a big fan of Shiah La Bobo b/c I think he can't act and ruins ever film he's in! lol I guess I am a little bitter still about the Indiana Jones movie he made annoying to watch!
After the success of the first Transformers movies a sequel was bound to happen. The Transformers movie was basically a set up for the first sequels. Here we get another CGI bombastic fest by Michael Bay.

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