
Showing posts with the label family

Broken no other choice - new ebook / true story

Broken ā€“ no other choice Broken, a small boy faces a grave decision all on his own. Life has been a series of hardship, horrific circumstances and unbearable heartaches. The decision is obvious - the only way out is to end it all. The choice is clear; in order to escape this life of sorrow there can only be one inevitable course of action. What do you do when you are broken? When hope, is all but a shattered dream that has long ago slipped through your fingers like shifting sand. Tired of the pain, the sorrow, the desire to give up can overwhelm you. Who do you call when there is no one to call, when the person who should have protected you ā€“ abandons you? Based on a true story The flood of memories overwhelmed me. My heart begins to sink, my entire chest increasingly hurts with every pounding heartbeat. Tears begin to flow, streaming down my cheeks. I was having difficulty breathing; I was struggling to hold back the endless waves of emotions. My mind ran back and forth as it r...

Life is Funny, we just over look it.

People are always sending me some funny pics, here are a few I like and what I thought of when I first saw them. Tell me what you think or if you have a better caption. Life is fun and I want to play too I always thought Mom was a stiff old board Naw dude come over I'm just layin around Dude it looks nothing like me Well you did say make myself at home...

My son the new GQ man of the month

My son the new GQ man of the monthā€¦ He looks good I have to say. This pic would make a great GQ coverā€¦ which is funny since he loves to run around the house in only his underwear. But then again isnā€™t how Marky Mark got into magazines? Posing on magazine covers in only his tighty whitiesā€¦. What do you think, should I get him a magazine deal? Is he too young? Too short.. lol Aw Iā€™m just joking. I donā€™t think I could be that kind of parent. Bussing my kid from place to place - I want my kids to be kids. I seem to have a deep seeded fear in having them grow up to fast anyway. My daughter is already 13 and I feel like I am losing herā€¦ I do not want my little boy to grow up anytime soon.

the longest new years eve EVER...

Holly Crap, This has been the Longest "New years Eve" EVER...ER..ER.. I have no complaints, instead of going out we had our own New years eve party bash at home. Which means I spent several days getting ready for this year end bash. But, that is a deferent story. For the Party we had the kids, some of my daughters friends, some of my wife's friends.... And .. No, none of my friends??? weird huh?.... But, even though.. I was glad to see they had fun. We had way too much food, some one brought a large bottle of Vodka [ no I didn't drink, neither did the kidsā€¦ ]. We had the Wii, the Xbox connect, someone brought the board game "Cranium".. So yes they had fun. They were dancing - if you can call it dancing. They were playing sports with sports connect [ so funny to watchā€¦ I am not allowed to post the videos ] and they played that cranium game... That is a strange game. Did you noticed I said they.... Well, I was the only one that had worked a full day and to top...

Funny - Don't go outside and enjoy nature !

Don't just sit around the house... Get out and enjoy nature. Aw look at the pretty birds Honey.....

Are we STUPID - Double Taxation: Death tax - inheritance tax

Double Taxation: Death tax - inheritance tax I have to ask - are you stupid? Forgive me, maybe it is congress and the pro ā€œtax the Richā€ yahoos who believe weā€™re stupid.? Iā€™ve been hearing several commenterā€™s on TV say that we should tax the rich more because they deserve to pay more. After all, all those greedy rich people can afford it right. Or the woman who made me laugh because she said that "the rich should be taxed more because they have so much money and are sitting home doing nothing and being unproductive". What? Poor people hanging at home playing their $300 dollar Xbox360 collecting welfare or food stamps are more productive????? Look, I donā€™t love rich people and like poor people, you have the good and the bad. But my problem with taxes is that the Government who wants to " suck up " to struggling voters by saying their going after the greedy rich people & forget to mention that those tax proposals effect the poor as well as the rich. And using the ...

How cheap is your Boss

How cheap is your Boss? So, everyone knows that times are tough, that the economy is hemorrhaging and things are tight. But I was wondering: How cheap is your Boss? I ask because I realized that my boss is extremely cheap. I mean really cheap. Now Iā€™m not saying this because I am some disgruntled employed who wants a raise or is unhappy at his job. I like my job, I enjoy itā€¦.. Even with the bad days and some crazy customers. But I believe that my boss may be the cheapest B@stard in the entire world. Let me explain: Four months ago, one of the only two staplers in my office disappeared. Just disappearedā€¦ poof, gone. So I emailed my supplies department and asked for a new stapler. I was told that they would see what they could do for me ???? See what they could do? That should have been my first clue. One month later I had nothing and called again, again the same response. Two months later I called, sent my fifth email and stillā€¦ they will see what they can do???? Three months and I was ...

No you Don't need a Droid FREE cell phone

Really, what a great deal - but no, I don't think you need a Droid cell phone. No, even if it is a FREE cell phone..... Yep, that was my opinion - not that it mattered much. Why, Because she [ my wife ] went out and got herself a Droid cell phone. Great itā€™s a free cell phone at this website - Verizon Wireless Android Sale . I personally believe that 99 percent of the people who own any kind of "smart" cell phone - do not really need it. In fact most of these people do nothing with these smart phones other than use them as toys. The funny thing is that I watch people with their cell phone, I have two co-workers who have smart phones and they basically use it as a toy at work. They donā€™t do anything productive at work with their cell phone, they just watch videos, play games and spend their time on facebook. Wow, I remember how smart phones were originally sold as tools for business people so they can stay connected with their business. Today staying connected means kee...

Home Insurance - what a SCAM

We all think that insurance is a waste of money - that is until we need it. A co-worker of mine was telling me how a client of his was getting a large $90,000 dollar check from his home insurance company. Apparently the client was home and decided to start cooking his evening meal, then decided to go outside and check on the kids. He spent a wonderful time playing catch with the kids and then realized that he forgot that he had forgotten about cooking dinner. I guess all that billowing smoke and the flames bursting from his home must have been a clue. Sadly enough his entire home was burned down to the ground, thankfully no one was hurt in the fire. Having a house - the great "American" dream.... no one likes paying for house insurance - that is until you need. I have never really enjoyed anything that has to do with insurance, I simply can not put my head around the idea that we are basically gambling with me having my life turned upside down. My house, every American has on...

Kelly Park Apopka florida - Camping 2010

Camping, it's the best family bonding experience! This years Florida Camping vacation was filled with thrills, fun and even life threatening danger - that's right, if you thought camping was a dull experience - hey, we proved you wrong. This year we went Camping, the family - we left the dog behind [ yea ! ] and we packed up all our gear and we hit the road. When we got there I was worried about the weather - and yes it rained like no tomorrow the first night and the next day - I thought my tent was going to float away. But after surviving the torrential down pour the sun came out and the fun began. As always the family saw nature - a bit too close for my taste. The squirrels were everywhere and the raccoons kept coming around at all hours of the night every night [ but we learned by this time how to store our food and keep it away from their reach ]. The river was freezing cold - I mean cold - my nieces lips were blue but that didn't stop her from going into the water or e...

Parenting, who really listens

One thing you learn fast when you have children is that - no one really listens to you.

Woman not stronger - men just stupid

Woman not stronger - men just stupid I found a leak in the master bath [ sink ]. It wasnā€™t bad but enough to eventually do some damage. So I put a bucket under the sink and proceeded to make sure I knew exactly what was broken, what needed to be replace and of course donā€™t spend a lot of money [ if you remember my water heater experience - that was a mess ]. So after figuring it all out [ I thought] I told my wife that I was off to home depot. She responded by saying: ā€œ you donā€™t love me like you use to anymore.ā€ What? What was she talking about? Where did this come from, what did this have to do with the leak? She continued ā€œ Before if I asked you for something you would do what ever you could to get it for me, now you donā€™t. itā€™s like you donā€™t love me any moreā€¦ā€ sob, tear, ā€¦ Iā€™m not sure how it happened but my dilemma with the leak became a test of my love for my wife. I thought fixing the pipe was an example of my love, you didnā€™t have to tell me three hundred times to fix it? You ...

Transformers 2: revenge of the fallen

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen If your an old time fan of Transformers [ the old cartoon TV show ] and you loved the first movie "Transformers" - you better drag yourself down to the local movie theater and watch this thing on a big screen. This was a Father and Son outing. With my son, I normally go to the theater during the matinee hours. In my town, itā€™s usually just me and five other people in the audience - today the house was packed and man let me tell you this movie was filled with action, explosions, drama and good laughs. Let me tell you I was not embarrassed to laugh out loud. I loved the fact that my son was automatically in a trance thru the whole movie. ā€œTransformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen ā€œ is a good movie donā€™t let anyone fool you. It has it all - parents can enjoy it, the kids can enjoy it and if your not a Sci Fi kind of person - transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will make you laugh and will leave you wanting to see more. This was one of the few ti...

Did you Know: Allergies can come and go ?

Did you Know: Allergies can come & go ? Yesterday I proved I love my son. How? By going to his doctors appointment. My son was sent to a specialist in Sarasota Florida to have a specialist look at him. He has high level of allergies and we were sent there to find out more. To be honest I thought it was a waste of time but - I love my son - and my relationship with my wife. So I went. I spent $233 dollars to find out basically - ā€œnothing I already didnā€™t knowā€.. Though I admit I was hoping the test would say he was allergic to dogs and it would solve the ā€œjasperā€ dog issue [ I donā€™t hate the dog - just donā€™t want him ]. The Doctor gave my son this very expensive test that caused him to cry and amounted to just dabbing liquid on him to see how his skin reacts [ as proof of allergic reaction ]. Well, after the crying and me trying to keep him from scratching test area - we learned that he is allergic to the things we already new about or suspected. Except for cat - I didnā€™t know he wa...

Me & Twilight Star Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen

Ok, so it's a forgery - I played with two seperate photos to come up with this one. I thought I would surprise my duaghter - the Twilight fan with this. You want to know what her reaction was... "Dad, your so mean" What??? Did I miss something ??? I thought she would love the idea. Especially since it took a lot of work, concentration and much effort to get this as good as it is. It's not like I got Robert Pattinson to pose for the picture - but aka Edward Cullen wasn't available ok... In the end she like the picture...

Getting Old - Get Cancer Insurance ???

Cancer Insurance ? Thatā€™s New! I sell life insurance on the side and I have life insurance - I believe itā€™s important. I love my children and yes even my wife. I want to believe that they will have a future even if [ God forbid ] I were to unexpectedly die. But when my Doctor mentioned getting my prostate checked in a couple of years because Iā€™m reaching that age when men get prostate cancer - I had to take a double take. Life insurance doesnā€™t cover cancer??? Then I read some stuff on Cancer insurance. I remembered what a friend of mine told me about Aflack and how they provided supplemental insurance and yes even had a policy for ā€œcancer insurance". Funny - before today I never really thought about it. That is about "Cancer insurance " - wow just like my car. Maybe Iā€™m just being overly cautious or just realizing Iā€™m not young and yes I am mortal. But first I plan for my kids future with life insurance - now Iā€™m thinking about things like long term illnesses and cancer...

Verizon - NEW "Friends & Family" plan

Verizon : Introducing Friends & Family Unlimited calling to the numbers you call the most. Anywhere in America. Anytime. As many know by now that Verizon purchased ALLTEL - not merged, but purchased. And one of the things paople have been asking me is - What will verizon do? Will they keep some of the plans Alltell has? But most importantly how will it effect thier calling plans? So here you have it - New and secretly posted [ on the same time of thier luanch so I don't get sued ] : Verizons : Friends & Family Unlimited calling plan [ in truth "feature" not a plan ] You can choose the 5 most or ten people you want to talk with the most. And just like Alltels circle plan - you can call them [ unlimited talk ] for free! You use none of your minutes. The best part about Verizons "Family & Friends" feature is that unlike other cariers - you can change your friends and family daily. So if you want to talk to uncle Bob tommorow and you know he talks alot a...

Ok so it's NOT WALT DISNEY WORLD -but it's Fair ???

Ok, it's not Walt Disney World - but it's the Fair ? Yep, the county fair - it's not the big fancy walt disney or magic Kingdom kind of outing I want to go to - but the kids wanted to go to the fair. The fair, the Carney, the traveling Gypsies - or Circus [ what ever ]. All I know is they bugged me and bugged me that I just had to go. My duaghter already made plans to meet her friends there. My wife insisted we meet her friend there [ Hey Betsy - hope you had fun ] - heck if it wasn't already expensive enough - my kids wanted to invite another friend and have me pay [ What do I look like - don't answer that ]. But I do have to say I had a blast. Between my sons excitement and scare the park was worth the over price $17 dollar wrist band to go on the rides and I wont mention the fact that I and our friends son got sort of addicted to one of those carnival chance games. All so we could we could win a toy gun for my son - too bad it turn out to be a cigeret lighter .....

Long day [ longest ever ]

Having just one of those days... You ever had one of those days - you know, the one you wish you could just rewind and do over completly different. I just wish life had a off switch or atleast a fast forward button. It's funny - it started innocent enough - then it started.... car problems, kids having problems, the spouse angry becuase of stress... Oh God she's comming at me with a knife... lol Please, someone explian it to me... Why is it that when something goes wrong, it seems everything goes wrong. Can't we have a system where problems can just take turns... I guess I shouldn't complian, my father-in-law just turned 50 and he's not complianing - probably becuase he is too busy complianing about me.... Ha, good one. Needed a luagh. Well, I guess life is just a never ending battle and i have to take my own advice - enjoy what you can, while you can, for as long as you can - becuase the kids grow up, the spouse gets old and you get closer to the grave [ the nice d...

Oh what happened to my life ????

I love my life, but just like everyone else there are those days when it is not worth the effort to get out of bed... Today being one of them. My family wanted to go to the fair, then they changed it to movies, not... Then they wanted to go to the fair at 6 pm, ofcourse my duaghter wanted to know if she could invite a friend [ by the way dad can you pay her way ???] I've been awake for less than 4 hours on a saturday morning [ mind you it's my day off ] and I've been bombarded with more work and decission making than when I go to work.... AAAAA!!!...

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