
Showing posts with the label baby videos

Raw Video: Pipe Bomb Blast Injures Two

I feel bad becuase they got hurt. But you really have to wonder what the hell were these people thinking/ Look if I even play with firecrackers i'm afriad of blowing off a finger - these guys had a pipe bomb! I wonder - will they get arrested for having illegal explosive on top off getting hurt? And do you think they should??????

8 arrested in filmed beating of teenage girl ??

Is it youtube, becoming popular thru online video or hope of stardome that people do such stupid acts. The assualt on the girl is bad enough... [ that's the reason I am over protective with my children ] ... but to think that they filmed this act of violence in hopes of becoming popular online???? Are they evil and stupid! *** Personally, I would have told my duaghter to fight back. *** This girl should have picked up something hard, sharp or deadly and wacked one of her attackers. And this dad - sorry, But I would not have been so calm. I probably would have been arrested for beating the shit out of my duaghters attackers.....

LOST Parody #3- Harry Potter?!

With Season 4 of LOST now on a month hiatus, you have to wonder what the Losties are up to during the break. Created by Benny & Rafi Fine

Kid Kidnaps his own Mom?????

I read in the newspaper how a 13 year old boy held his mother captive against her will. Imagine that - your child charged by a court of law for "Kidnapping" and the victim, his Mom!!!!! [ see copy of news clip below ] This is why I believe in discipline and in "corporal" punishment. I believe that your child should have a healthy dose of respect for his/her parent and some fear too. Fear of punishment will help your child to listen when thier small and respect you when thier big [ that is if your respectable ]. The facts are that my children will grow, will get stronger and I , well I will grow old and weaker. I've seen parents in NY who basically lost all control of thier children and it sad to see the children run the home and worst - to see a child beat up on a parent. Do you think she was wrong for calling the COPS? If I were her, they would have called the cops on me to rip his dead corps from my closed fist.......... Police: Kid Kidnaps Mom By Joe Seelig

This guy has balls !!!

Can you Imagine an open "White Supremist" KKK store selling products in a predominant black area and the store front is owned by a African American Baptist Church...... I am amazed he hasn't gotten his butt whooped yet!!!

Deaf group large dance hit in china - Amazing

It is amazing to me how the human will to survive, to achieve - can over come so many obstacles. I personally get upset with my children and with myself when we so easily give up on things. we stop trying because it's to hard, to difficult - in our mind - it's impossible. Yet a group of deaf dancers can perform an specialized timed dance - over coming not just average challenges, but overwhelming obstacles such as a disability. {see video below ]. There performance is amazing, their courage inspiring, their determination breath taking. Yet it bothers me that when I look at most young people today - all they care about is not looking foolish is something doesn't come easy to them. I feel guilty myself, thinking back on all the things I avoided or never finished because hey it was to hard... Ofcourse I could see, hear, walk, and use my arms and have full mental capability. It's so sad we find it so easy to give up........ Disabled troupe breaks barriers through expressive

Your stupid if your not concerned?

Now I am not one to judge what you wear or how you dress. That doesn't mean I will agree with your style or wears- but, to each is own. But an interesting little tid bit came to my attention - about hoodies that cover your face [ see video below]. Coming from NY and knowing how it feels to walk down the street looking over your shoulder because your afraid to get mugged, robbed or worst - I think you have to be a complete moron not to be concerned when you see a hooded figure walking towards you on the street. Especially if it sports a skeleton or other menacing figure. Look don't get me wrong, people have the right to wear what they want - but don't expect me not to judge you harshly if you look like your about to rob me. Don't be offended if I cross the street to avoid you, because after all - you do portray someone who has something to hide or is about to do something so dasterdly that you must conceal your identity. Now I am not stupid enough to complain that this s

The Future is here???? YUK!

Well, I guess all those years of Science Fiction Futuristic TV was not as bad for me as dear old mom said it would be. Think of it - cloning bodies, Frankenstein, Body snatchers, creating life in a lab, factory. Yes while the life that was created always turned out to be monstrous and destructive - it prepared open minded children to believe in the possibilities of science. Imagine, in today’s science were walking towards a future were you can grow transplant organs in a lab outside a body. The fear ofcourse is, that the same TV that spurred the minds of children to reach these lofty goals - are the same TV shows that showed us the moral and unpredictable problems of this science. One day it will be clone your pet, then separate organs, then an entire clone body. How do you deal with that? A separate human, clone, is it you, does it have life???? Does it have rights???? It has made for many a good movies - but what about real life?????

Office antics - Funny ending

I've always been a seriouse person at work. Especially in an office setting. But I've always wanted to do something crazy. Now I don't know if this is real or fake [staged] but the ending is funny. So I had to post it.

Hillary breaks - do you want a president that cries when thier losing?

Is Hillary Clinton playing the Female card already? falling behind Boraka Obama in the primaries, strong Hillary now plays the sex card.... The oh look at me I'm hurt, weak, and the ever so popular - Quote: "We make two steps forward in this country and some people want to make us go five steps back". I think she is referring to the first ever woman President hope. Which to me is a definite play on sexism [ that because she is a woman people don't vote for her]. I don't know about you but other countries and especially the terrorist wont fall for that "oh be gentle I'm a woman crap"... Especially since her stance has been, look at me I'm as strong if not stronger than most men. It's a little to late to play the sympathy card and wrong profession to cry foul about people being unfair to woman. If you were a woman would you want a strong President even if it were a woman? I wouldn't vote for Hillary based on passed lies and history - but ev

Tis the season to be teasered?

Don't get me wrong but this season seems to be a bit more rough on me than previouse one's. I personally witness a store clerk get malled as he tried to bring in some Wii nintendo units to place on the shelf. When some one is almost trampled becuase a couple of parents need that oh so wanted gift - maybe everyone should carry a stun gun? But give me a break - even if the woman in the video below was irate and a bit out of control [ maybe - hard to tell on video ] - I still don't believe that she should have been stunned. I'm starting to think this is getting out of control here. I always get that stupid alarm ring from the security buzzered becuase the register girl didn't decoded it right - am I going to get tased one day becuase that alarm went off and a security guard will find it easier to tase me than to confront me?

Eating from your toilet bowl ???

Is it me or do they have a fixation with the toilet Bowl? First came the toilet Bowl shaped house - now thier eating out of toilet bowls.......? Nov. 17 - A diner in the capital of Taiwan is attracting clients with toilet humour. The Modern Toilet diner is one of 12 eateries with a toilet theme scattered across the island of Taiwan. Daragh Burke reports.

Sea scorpion bigger than a human male????

Could it be true - what do you think? Scientists have found the fossilised claw of a 2.5 metre long sea scorpion, a nighmarish creature living before the age of dinosaurs. German scientist Markus Poschmann, who found the claw in a quarry around 15 years ago, says scientists didn't previously know that these prehistoric animals were so big. Joanna Partridge reports Soundbite: Markus Poschmann, scientist who discovered fossilised sea scorpion claw.

What ? Middle School to offer contraception ????

Ok, forgive me for my rant but - who the hell gave the school any right to provide birth control pills or products to children [ pre-teen , teenagers ] ? I am not saying that this will cause children to have more sex - but it sure will give them an easier path in thinking and acting on the impulse. If you watch the video below there is a girl dressed up in what appears to be Muslim garment of women attire. She appears to be scoping out the area before she enters the clinic???? Again, I know if kids want to “do it” as Whoppi used the term on the “View”, their going to. I also know it’s up to the parents to teach their children the best they can and instill in them moral standards. Be it religious and waiting till marriage or just moral and waiting for the right time. But the school has no right to help children achieve something that other wise is a private matter with parents, teenagers, and their [ oh God ] partners…… They say it’s to control spread of diseases and teenage pregnancies

Call the Paparazzi Off !!!

Camera’s have a weird effect on people- It doesn’t matter who you are someone always want you to take a photo or a picture. And boy does it take for ever for that right photo. Oh, and God forbid if that video gets on youtube [ call the Paparazzi ]….

5 tips to help get out of debt

I walked into my local Dollar general store to pick up a gallon of milk and found myself transported in time. They were already preparing for Christmas…? That’s right Christmas! I asked the clerk what happened to Halloween and thanksgiving and she just smiled at me [ that joke went over like a lead balloon]. One of the reasons I hate wal-mart is because every time you walk in they already have next holiday seasons displays up. It’s bad enough having a non white snow less Christmas - but Christmas trees before we’re even done eating the turkey??? I was hoping to avoid Christmas - it’s just to expensive, that’s why I thought the video below would be of help: “5 ways to get out of debt faster”. I hope you enjoy it. Personally these are my five tips: 1- Stop taking the kids with me to the store. I always end up buying more than I should or want. I am so bad at saying no. 2- Start a diet and never end it. Not because it’s healthy for me but because food has gotten so expensive. By beacon……

I think I'm growing Dumb ?

I was sitting with my little girl helping her do her home work, it only took a few seconds before I realized that my little girl is realizing I am not the all knowing parent I pretend to be. It’s funny - the fact that things are the same and yet have changed so much. I was helping her with her math and I thought I knew what I was doing until my little girl screamed out “ your doing it wrong…!” She said, “that’s not how my teacher said we have to do it“. After conversing on how her teacher wants it done - I realized that my answer was right but my method was different. So I had to show my little girl that yes it’s important to follow her teachers instructions and learn from her, but never forget - there are others ways and sometimes simpler ways of doing things and getting the right answer.

What - pay tribute to Fidel Castro ????

Maybe I'm losing my mind, or the world has gone mad, but why would anyone want to pay tribute to Fidel Castro. In fact, why would any free citizen would want to pay tribute to any dictator? Hey, while we're at it, lets praise all the dictators of the world and see if the people they oppressed, totured and murdered would like it. I'm sure if this tourist was forced to live in cuba for a few years, his desire to give tribute would fade away to hate.... retard.....

Serious case of foot fetish

I’ve been robbed several times in my life, and it was part of life because I lived in NY in one of the worst neighborhood around. In all the years I live in New York I was scared of being robbed, mugged, held up, beat up, and so forth ……. But not once did I ever think that a criminal would stop to lick my feet? Yes, lick my feet……… But apparently - I guess if you live long enough your bound to see anything and every thing. This crook apparently had such a bad foot fetish that he just had to stop in a middle of his crime - to lick this ladies feet. Oh please take my wallet and by the way, I didn’t wash my feet today…….

The Baby Diaper Song

I remember I couldn't wait for my children to be potty trained, why - becuase them things are expensive man. And babies run thru'em like water.....