
The Future is here???? YUK!

Well, I guess all those years of Science Fiction Futuristic TV was not as bad for me as dear old mom said it would be. Think of it - cloning bodies, Frankenstein, Body snatchers, creating life in a lab, factory. Yes while the life that was created always turned out to be monstrous and destructive - it prepared open minded children to believe in the possibilities of science. Imagine, in today’s science were walking towards a future were you can grow transplant organs in a lab outside a body. The fear ofcourse is, that the same TV that spurred the minds of children to reach these lofty goals - are the same TV shows that showed us the moral and unpredictable problems of this science. One day it will be clone your pet, then separate organs, then an entire clone body. How do you deal with that? A separate human, clone, is it you, does it have life???? Does it have rights???? It has made for many a good movies - but what about real life?????

Tired, darn dang tired

I had a great post for today, but I forgot it. Just so dame tired, had a long week, little to no sleep last night and no clear understanding of who are our next presidential candidates. All I've heard today is - it's to close to call and Mccain has a slight apparent lead. What does that all mean. If you don't know stop taliking about it and give me real news. Talk about the huricains that occured the night before. Bring up some current real issues - like why the apparent killer of that missing girl was recorded "a real confession" and the judge doesn't want to sign a warrent...???? Tell me about the weather, anything but the same nonsense about the hillary - obama to close to call nosense. Look - I'm going to vote McCain, He is experienced, and way better than Hillary. If you want to vote for Hillary cuase she is a woman fine, you want to vote for Obama becuase he is black -ok. But remember this, your vote was wasted. Your suppose to vote for the best cand

Special for Today - RAT meat .....yum...

For years I had a running joke with my friends. I could live on Chinese food and when people would jokingly say "Chinese food is made from Cat" I would laugh and say "have any pets....". Today, I think I may just have to reconsider how often I eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant. because they maybe serving up RAT???? Feb. 5 - A 58-year-old Taiwan eatery offers rat meat as winter tonics to welcome the Year of Rat. Rat meat, also eaten in China, became popular in rural Taiwan in the 1940s and 1950s among people who could not afford chicken or pork. Ho-la, a rural eatery at Taiwan's Chiayi county, serves 10 rat-themed dishes, including rat soup, black pepper-dipped and deep-fried rat. The diner goes through around 18 kg (40 lb) of rat meat per day. Christine Lu reports.

Office antics - Funny ending

I've always been a seriouse person at work. Especially in an office setting. But I've always wanted to do something crazy. Now I don't know if this is real or fake [staged] but the ending is funny. So I had to post it.

Pilates - not for me.....

I understand I am not in the best of shape, but I am not over wieght. so I thought it wouldn't hurt to do a bit of excersize. Boy was i wrong - i thought pilates would be something simple and easy, not so. This was for me - very difficult... Oh did I mention I can't do the superman..... you try it and see....

Govnt stimulus not free money......but yours

Do you know what the economic stimulus really is? You know - That so called money the Gov’nt is giving you... I was talking with my tax people -HR Block guy and the stimulus package came up. He informed me that most people don't realize that - that money they will give you in July - is an advance on your tax rebate next year. So what the government is doing is basically giving you the money you would get at the end of the year - in July. What happens is, people don't realize that it's not free money and when the end of the year comes they get mad when they find out that the usual amount they get every year will be less due to the money they gave you early this year in advance. What burns me, is that they don't tell this to the people and just say - here is money go spend it so the economy [ mostly the rich ] wont collapse. So while people think it’s free money in truth it's not - you better not be counting on your tax refund to bail you out of any year end debts bec

35 Euro to experience KGB interogation.

let me get this striaght - They escape opression, dictatorship and they want to pay $35 euros to experience a KGB interigation? Hey, even Euro Disney has to be better than this attraction. Who in thier right minds wants to visit this attraction - especially if you are old enough to remember the days and have experienced it yourself. as a teaching tool - I personally would rather read about it that to go through this fake attraction.....