
God texting me ? great prank and joke

Is God really texting me? I Picked my duaghter up from school today. It was a very interesting ride home. First thing she did was complain that "She" was starving and she just had to eat something. Ofcourse it has to be healthy [ I wanted chinese but no... ] , so Subway was the place to go [ or atleast she was making me go to ]. Lunch was good, healthy. We talked about how she got her "weirdness" from me and her crazy side from her mom, ofcourse she disagreed being crazy like her Mom... Lol atleast we agree Mom is crazy.] So as we rode home after our healthy meal at Subways, she begins to Tell me about this prank that she was a part of on Sean (Sean, shawn how ever you spell his name ) is her freind, her special freind... I try real hard not to acknowledge him as her boy .... freind. I am a her dad after all and I still see her as my little girl. But back to the prank. Personally I think it was a great idea and I wished I had thought of it myself. So as sh

Teacher of the Year - what is a good teacher?

People like to say that teachers do not do enough for thier students. That the failing grade our schools are getting is becuase they [ teachers ] are not doing everything they can to help our children learn. Well, I am very envolved in the school system and I see what happens first hand. I see the teachers who do the minimum and I see the teachers who go all out. I watched a school have their annual "Literacy Week" program. I watched as they encouraged kids to read, how they pushed them to do more. How children were excited about this week - "I love this book and I am going to dress up as my favorite character this friday" I was told by this one little girl. Friday came and a large group of children came to school ready to show off their costume, ready to proudly walk the halls dressed as their favorite reading book character. I also saw teachers who were dressed up as some of the characters they have been reading about to their students. Not ashamed, but proud tea

Some favorite funny images and pics I have seen

Oh, the internet is filled with so much wonder - but most times I just need a good luagh. So what do I do - I search the image section of Googles extensive search engine to see what i can find. Most often times, I find junk, perversion and what not... The internet is filled with horndogs. But ocassionally I find some very funny images, pics and jokes that I thought I would share with you. After all the internet is a big place and who knows if I will ever find these pics again. So save them I do to past them here [ sound like Yoda from star wars - "save them I do". So take a look, have a luagh and tell me what you think?

What children do online, they should be banned

Ok, I've been very, very - did I say very? Well, I have been very busy and I am trying to catch up on my blogging. Much of my blog past are about my family, the funny things they do [ or what I consider funny - wife does not get my humor... ]. But all in all I create art [ you call it comics ], I write about the kids and sometimes about serious thing and occassionally I rant about politics [ don't get me started. But this post is going to be about my baby girl. You see, my kid and her friends do some very strange things. I remember once asking her what she was doing on the house phone. Apparently all her friends wanted to figure out how many people could they get on one call - so each friend did a three way call with some one else and she proudly exclaimed: "Dad, we're up to 20 people on one call - this is cool!" .. I cut that short. Another time I found her and her friends trying to see how many people could answer [ comment ] on someones page. She told me they w

President Praises Military forces and Pentagon wants to increase health insurance fees for military retirees and close bases in the United States

Who the hell do they think they are Kidding! The President praises the Military for all they do and ask to have the budget on defense reduced and to use the money saved from the 2 wars we are no longer fighting to go to help the Union and the Pentagons response is: OK, lets cut raises and hike up health insurance benefits on the very solders who serve and protect. Smack of another political game: "hey you said make cuts... didn't you..?" Pentagon Plan Includes Base Closings and Smaller Raises WASHINGTON — The Pentagon took the first major step toward shrinking after a decade of war as it announced on Thursday that it wanted to limit pay raises for troops, increase health insurance fees for military retirees and close bases in the United States. Although the pay-raise limits are modest, and would not start until 2015, the proposed cuts are certain to ignite a political fight in Congress, which since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks has consistently raised military salaries beyo

3 delicious "Recipes" for game day or fun - I love food

Have you noticed, when ever you go on a diet -your taste are not as picky as when you are free to eat what ever you want. I took a short break from my UHmmm healthy eating habbits and now I am back on again, you know, watching what I eat, how much I eat and so forth. But I was thinking about the super bowl, the food we are going to have [ may have, after all I am the only one on this diet]. I just couldn't help search the internet over to find some very interesting recipes, not only for superbowl game day, but something we could enjoy when ever we wanted. I guess, when you can not have something, you then feel like having it all becuase I am a picky picky eater and there were alot of things I would have never thought of trying, but boy do they all look good to eat. Well, eventually I settled on these three recipies [ hope we can make them they look deliciouse ]. Tell me what you think? When it’s game day, this recipe looks good. Liz Pack Everyone knows that pigs in a blanket — litt

Tax Rich more? State of the Union speech 1-24-12

President Obama 1/24/12 - State of the Union First let me start by saying I watched the speech, I believe in many of what he said, that changes are needed. What he said is true and should happen, govern't should stay out of what people can do for themselves [ his quote from President Lincoln]. Government should stop playing political games and work for the people. We should do away with ridiculouse red tape and buerucracy. Yes, even tax reform. But how do we do it? Oh, lets tax the rich! Tax reform is necesary, not tax the rich more - becuase if we say things should be fair, fair is not attacking one class over another, even if they are rich. Would you like it if they said, oh lets tax the middle class to help the poor more becuase they the middle class can afford it. No you wouldn't - but these are the facts: they are playing on our emotions. My father-in-law once said that it is unfair that he should pay for schools [ in real estate tax ] every year when he has no children i