
Successful child inventor: Jacob Dunnack

Successful Child inventor story Jacob Dunnack developed the JD Batball at age six. Jacob was frustrated when he'd remembered his bat but forgotten his ball during a visit to his grandmother's home. To prevent future mishaps, Jacob came up with the idea for a plastic baseball bat with a removable cap for storing balls. Jacob and his parents went to a designer to submit the idea to Toys "R" Us. The toy megastore liked Jacob's idea so much they started carrying the product. Now, that's one idea that definitely turned into a grand slam. What makes Jacob's story even more special is that he was born with a congenital heart defect (two major arteries were crisscrossed). He suffered a stroke during an operation when he was just a baby, and the doctors thought would leave him blind and paralyzed. But Jacob proved them wrong! Though he has limited vision and limited use of his right arm, that hasn't stopped Jacob from living a normal life...and being one

Amazing Pictures from Skywalking heights

Amazing photos, pictures from skywalking. Personally, I climbed a three story beam structure when I was a kid on a dare. When I finally got to the top I realized something very important - I hates heights. Trust me it was a slow descent to the ground. Skywalking is a new trend, especially in Russia, and young people are scaling structures around the country to get the ultimate picture. Would you do this?

How One Child Changed the World

How One Child Changed the World Ryan's Story My story is really very simple. One day in January 1998, I was sitting in my Grade One classroom. My teacher, Mrs. Prest, explained that people were sick and some were even dying because they didn’t have clean water. She told us that some people walked for hours in Africa and sometimes it was just to get dirty water. All I had to do was take 10 steps from my classroom to get to the drinking fountain and I had clean water. Before that day in school, I figured everyone lived like me. When I found out this wasn't the case, I decided I had to do something about it. So, I went home and begged my mom and dad to help. After a few days, they told me I could do extra chores to earn the $70 I thought would build a well. I thought that's all it would take to solve the world's water problem. I worked for four months to earn my first $70. Then I learned that it was actually going to cost $2,000 to build a well in a place like Ugan

Funny forbidden and LMAO

Ok, you just have to admit that this is funny. I couldn't help it, after all who doesn't love cute funny animal pictures. I know I do. ...and what about?

Building successful children to change the world

Greed is good – not so. But we all live with desire, want and the "pursuit of happiness". Yes, you are correct, money doesn’t make you happy. Yes money can cause more problems and money has a way of affecting people in strange ways. But I like what Oprah Winfrey said “What material success does is provide you with the ability to concentrate on other things that really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in other people's lives.” I wrote a book in order to motivate, inspire and yes to entice my children to learn, to seek knowledge, to strive for excellence and success. The title throws people off – they think that the book is about money, about greed and about creating little CEO’s. When in fact it’s about instilling in their minds the tools they need to achieve success – success in whatever form they choose. The book was written for children, not mom and dad. It was written in a simple format and straight to the point

Scientists admit: Extinct turtle never existed in the first place

This is what I love about science… I should say scientist. They act like they know it all – no one can say they are wrong because oh God forbid, they are never wrong. Funny I should mention God, since most scientists don’t believe in God. I say this because I find it funny that a scientist can find a small broken piece of bone and tell you what animal it is, how many years it has been dead and what color skin or fur it even has. In fact they can even tell you what the animal ate for lunch the day it died 1 million years ago. And they tell you all this with a straight face – and don’t question them, because they would call you a fool. But sometimes, sometimes it slips out that scientist are, well – human. They make mistakes, they don’t know it all and yeah – they’re not God. Extinct turtle never existed in the first place, scientists admit It’s like the government telling you that Oswald really didn’t act alone, or that Martians actually landed at Roswell, or, well, just brace y

New funny images pictures LOL

You would be surprised what you find online.....