
Every Morning is a Challenge

Every Morning is a challenge - but this one was a whole defferent story. Some of you may not know but, I went to venice, Florida for some training and took the family so they could enjoy the beach [ another story I'll share next post - life is so unfair ....]. So, when we came back - trying to get these kids ready for school the next morning was a nightmare. My son, he acted like a wet noodle. I'd pick him up so he could stand and he would just melt and slide down into the bed. My duaghter - well - you can just imagine how she got up. Not a happy camper. In fact my son fell asleep on the way to school - what a twist. So here is some art to enjoy and tell me what you think.

Obama, Kindergartin, sex - what the hell?

Is Obama a retard. Do I look stupid. Why in God's green earth would you want to teach my kindergartin son or duaghter [ age 5 ] about sex - or approve legislation that would approve teaching sex education to a 5 year old. Quote: " The Obama campaign has complained especially about an ad that declares Obama supports sex education for kindergartners. He supported legislation that would teach age-appropriate sex education to kindergartners, including information on rejecting advances by sexual predators." Today on the presidential campaign trail Monday, September 15, 2008 5:43 AM EDT The Associated Press By The Associated Press Look, I don't care how you slice it, dress it up or paint it. I don't need the government getting involved in when is the right time to teach my five year old about sex. I don't care if your saying your using it as a tool to fight against perverts - why don't you do something about the laws that lets those perverts get away with molest

The hills are alive with the sound of Music..

The hills are alive with the sound of Music... You know, I usually look forward to the week end. It’s time to hang loose, the most I worry about is if I can get away with “not doing “ the lawn. Heck, come Saturday night - I look forward to joining my kids and watching some Naruto [ cartoons ]. But, lately my week ends seem to bring fear, large amounts of fear. Look, I am grateful that my daughter has an interest for music. She’s shown interest in the "recorder" [ looks like a flute to me ], she’s taken some tips on the Drums from me and when she showed interest in the Piano - a teacher at her elementary school gave her some tips. So what does she do when she get “band” in middle school [ jr high ] - she decides she wants to learn how to play the Alto-Saxophone ???? So what’s the problem, what causes me such fear - I love my little girl, but when she ask me if I can pick her up Friday from school so she can bring home her Alto-saxophone so she can practice making noise.... I

Parenting Advice: Using Rap Song to build Self esteem ?

Parenting Advice: Build your children’s self esteem with Rap Music? Here is a "Parenting Advice" and "Parenting tip" - It’s a bit unorthodox so hear me out. I used a little Nelly rap song to teach my child [ daughter ] to build her self esteem. " I am #1, 2 is not a winner and 3 no one remembers… What does it take to be #1 - hey, hey, hey ..." This method of “Parenting advice” may sound a bit off, but please - give me some time to completely explain my madness. I know most people hear the words “Rap music” and they think - degrading, thug, junk... So how did I teach my daughter about having good self esteem with a rap song? Well, one day I heard this song and it was so catchy - I spent days humming the chorus and singing the chorus to myself. I just couldn’t get it out of my head. Then came a conversation with my wife - she was expressing her concern over our daughters “shyness” and her fear that our daughter may have low self esteem. So an Idea

Remember september eleventh ( 9 - 11 )

Remember September eleventh [ 9 - 11] Take a moment to remember, think back.. It’s not about being democrat or Republican - but American. It’s not about Obama or McCain - but Rights. It’s not about approval of the war - but honoring lives. It’s not about politics or rhetoric - but Freedom. Remember 9 - 11

Marriage is like a long Boxing Match

Marriage is like a boxing Match In the immortal words of Forrest Gump’s Mama : “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get”. And this is so true, Life is always a surprise and as I contemplate the meaning of Life, I can not help but ponder the comparison I see in a marriage and a Boxing match.... Maybe it’s me or maybe lack of sleep - but think about it. After having one of those [ what the hell were we fighting about ] bouts with my wife, I came up with the comparison of marriage and a boxing match. Indulge me as I show my reasoning: Marriage - compared to - a Boxing match You get married ---- you agree to clash You have disagreements --- you come to disagree You fight --- you throw blows You fight several times --- several rounds to fight You quickly change topics --- you dodge and weave You get hurt --- you get the snot beat out of you You choose your battles --- you choose your punches You bite back --- you bite an ear off [ learned that fr

Women are stronger than Men!

I agree: Women are stronger than Men! I was having a conversation with my wife and a female friend of hers and some how it turned into this cock fight - I don’t know how we got into the topic but before I knew it two women were telling me that “women are stronger than men“… That men could not survive without women. Ofcourse instinctively my mind went into defense mode and I was thinking of all these witty come backs: Men have always been stronger - just look at caveman… If women are so strong why do you need us to open a jar… If women are so strong, why doesn’t that teenage girl golfer ever win against the men… If women are so strong why …and then it hit me, that empty shell I call a brain stopped and I looked at my son, looked at my wife and told my wife’s friend : “your right, women are stronger than men. If only because no man could endure the process of natural child birth…” They both looked at me, smiled, gloated and forgot about it and went on with what we were origina