Obama - to soon to Say: I told you ???
Is it too soon to say - " I told you so "
Do you need money, cash - like now?
Are you depending on Obama and the “new deal” - the promise of a better government to come help you out?
Before - Obama, became president - I had an interesting discussion [ almost heated debate ] about my dislike to Obamas double speak and lies [ yes I said lies ]. I said there is no way he can do want he promises and that his tax cuts [ only tax the rich crap ] was crap and that it would be a tax on people like you and me and the poor. Ofcourse I was shot down accussed of being a Obama hater and all that. So - is it to early to say - “I told you so!” … ?
So much for change - didn’t I tell you Sis that one man can’t do it all - it takes congress to change as well. Oh, and he is already bowing to their whims… All hail bigger Government - here they come to save us…
Please read -
[ Be it noted, all income groups might have to contribute at some point — details to follow: Page 27 of the O-plan observes that "others have proposed different ideas to finance expanded health coverage," including a value-added tax. But there are no specifics on a VAT, only a quick nod to the fact that the $630 billion that Plan Obama sets aside for health care reform "is not sufficient to fully fund comprehensive reform." ]
Plan Obama: pass the check Debra J. Saunders
Do you need money, cash - like now?
Are you depending on Obama and the “new deal” - the promise of a better government to come help you out?
Before - Obama, became president - I had an interesting discussion [ almost heated debate ] about my dislike to Obamas double speak and lies [ yes I said lies ]. I said there is no way he can do want he promises and that his tax cuts [ only tax the rich crap ] was crap and that it would be a tax on people like you and me and the poor. Ofcourse I was shot down accussed of being a Obama hater and all that. So - is it to early to say - “I told you so!” … ?
So much for change - didn’t I tell you Sis that one man can’t do it all - it takes congress to change as well. Oh, and he is already bowing to their whims… All hail bigger Government - here they come to save us…
Please read -
[ Be it noted, all income groups might have to contribute at some point — details to follow: Page 27 of the O-plan observes that "others have proposed different ideas to finance expanded health coverage," including a value-added tax. But there are no specifics on a VAT, only a quick nod to the fact that the $630 billion that Plan Obama sets aside for health care reform "is not sufficient to fully fund comprehensive reform." ]
Plan Obama: pass the check Debra J. Saunders
If you are in the middle class somewhere get ready to be poor.....