
Showing posts with the label silly

Funny Doctor and Spaghetti joke...

I ran across a very funny joke online - you have to read it.... Funny Doctor and Spaghetti joke... A doctor started having an affair with his nurse. A short while later, she told him that she was pregnant. Not wanting his wife to know, he gave the nurse a sum of money and asked her to go to Italy and have the baby there. "But how will I let you know the baby is born?" she asked. He replied, "Just send me a postcard and write "spaghetti" on the back. I'll take care of expenses." Not knowing what else to do, the nurse took the money and flew to Italy. Six months went by, and then one day the doctor's wife called him at the office and said, "Dear, you received a very strange postcard in the mail today from Europe, and I don't understand what it means." The doctor said, "Just wait until I get home and I will explain it to you." Later that evening the doctor came home, read the postcard, and fell to the floor with a heart attack

Women are stronger than Men!

I agree: Women are stronger than Men! I was having a conversation with my wife and a female friend of hers and some how it turned into this cock fight - I don’t know how we got into the topic but before I knew it two women were telling me that “women are stronger than men“… That men could not survive without women. Ofcourse instinctively my mind went into defense mode and I was thinking of all these witty come backs: Men have always been stronger - just look at caveman… If women are so strong why do you need us to open a jar… If women are so strong, why doesn’t that teenage girl golfer ever win against the men… If women are so strong why …and then it hit me, that empty shell I call a brain stopped and I looked at my son, looked at my wife and told my wife’s friend : “your right, women are stronger than men. If only because no man could endure the process of natural child birth…” They both looked at me, smiled, gloated and forgot about it and went on with what we were origina

My children and general equal INSANITY

Oh look out generals back!! Well, guess whose back? Yep that little dog with the big name "general". General is cool but he just has a weird effect on my family. My wife treats him like a baby, probably gives him more attention than me. My daughter - she treats him like a china doll - afraid that everything will hurt the dog. look out here, look out with the dog... no he'll get hurt... leave the dog alone Isaac.. My son is the funniest of them all - this kid of mine spends most of his time calling general to him only to run in fear when general comes near him. It only gets worst in the morning when my wife lets the dog loose, my son does not want an excited pup jumping on him at six thirty in the morning - lord help me. Don't let these pictures fool you - it takes all the nerve my son can muster just to be this close without getting hysterical... Well, general is going to be here for a while [ helping out a friend ] so I better get use to the insanity. Look at me...

My child and the meaning of friendship ?

Teaching my child the meaning of true friendship? Ok, so my little girl is not so little, after all she’s eleven years old. According to her she’s a pre-teen [ whoopee doodad ]. The problem is that she is to nice for her own good. I don’t think she’s naive or gullible - just innocent. She has this one friend who only seems to want her around when she has no one else- you know the type. The so called friend who doesn’t know you exist until she has no one else to call. It’s bad enough that when she is interested in communicating with my daughter - she calls three or four times a day. They cackle on the phone for ever - But when she has a new “new best friend” - poof, you don’t hear a peep from this girl. It’s the kind of person I call friend but really consider them an acquaintance. Maybe I’m being over protective, or maybe I want my little girl not to be so blind. I guess it’s one of those things kids have to learn on their own - child, pre-teen or teenager and in some cases - adults. W

What i did while i waited for hurricane to pass - oh boy...

What do you do when your facing down possible hurricane It’s been about three or four years since several Hurricanes came thru our town and brought a stop to the belief that people were safe inland. So when the reports came in that tropical storm “fay” was projected to become a level 1 hurricane - lets just say some people went bonkers. I’m glad it didn’t turn out as bad as it was predicted - but there has been a lot of damage, especially flood damage around all parts of Florida. We did our part to get ready for the storm after that we just had to sit and wait. So what do you do while you wait for the worst and try to keep your family calm? Here is what I did: Watched chicken little movie with family Played black jack with kiki Played uno w/ kiki Played with my son Ate dinner together - early just in case Relaxed as son played in shower and daughter played her DS Played battleship w/ kiki Talk with wife and helped clean up [ she always clean when nervous] Relax as waiting for next “fay

Funny Picture and humor thoughts #3

Ah, the world I live in and the craziness that follows. My life is full of insanity, and my crazy unstable mind has thoughts on these funny pictures. Tell me what you think and have a good funny laugh. Talk about high gas prices effecting your life. Drinking is bad for everyone Are you feeling safe & Secure today ? East meet West ... So much for political correctness.

Video Games just as bad as Drugs ....

I hear people talk about how video games are a bad influence on our children. And I am starting to wonder if they are right. I think my 4 year old son has a problem - atleast with video games. He woke up this morning and asked me one thing - “Can I play now?” Looking at this photo - I'm wondering if he wasn't sleep walking - boy does this kid have it bad for video games.

Games are controling my Son...

By now most of you should already know that my 4 year old son is a wee bit adicted to playing video games. he seems to favor Halo 2 and Tour of Duty. Half the time he doesn't really know what he is doing - but he is getting good at controling the figures, especially in halo 2. My own duaghter tells me that it's not good for him - that "this is why he is always talking about killing Dad". I wouldn't say he talks about killing becuase of the game - more like becuase of sponge bob, tom and jerry, bugs bunny - and maybe a bit of the game. But really have you seen how Daffy Duck gets shot in the face..... The bad thing is how he wants to eat, sleep and live the game. Every waking moment of the day he wants to know when he can play the game - I think he has made an IDOl of the X-box!

Here are my funny thoughts on Pic's

Here are some thoughts on these funny and strange photos tell me what you think. Whats so fun about history - mind scared for life! Why ask for Directions honey - who can really help. There are things friends shouldn't do, I don't care how close a friend you are.... Are you sure you want a cat ?

Comic strip : Conquer earth...

I had all these great ideas for the blog - but my internet connection went out for most of the day. Dumb me, I didn’t write them down and now - well, I’m stuck. But I figure you might enjoy this cartoon [ comic strip ] I created a while back. I think it’s funny, it’s a couple of years old and may be out dated, but maybe you might get a laugh. the idea behing this is that after my duaghter was born, most of the TV I watched was kids shows... and some times, it would drive me mad. Can you imagine a grown man singing the Barney song..... I can stil hear it... "I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME....."

The Monster Slide

The childrens ministry at Living waters Church of God , had a "FUN" MOster water slide for thier back to school bash. they gave out a lot of food and several bookbags full of school supplies - and everyone much appriciated it- but the thrill of the day was watching Senior Pastor John N. Schnieder face the "FUN" but large Monster water slide. Some fear - but Pastor loves a challenge This Moster water slide was hard to climb but fun sliding down Pastor Schnieder - He knows this slide can take alot out of you! One point Monster Water slide - Zero points to the Pastor - The winner all of us who enjoyed the day

One slip and I Drown ?

One slip and I could Drown... I was watching the news and paying close attention to the weather guy. I wanted to know what were the chances of rain tomorrow. Don't get me wrong I know we need it - our main large lake in town needs at least 28 inches of rain to make it back to normal levels. Right now, it looks like at some spots of the lake you could walk across to the other side of the 3,000 acre lake. So again - I want it to rain, but there is a limit .... let me see, It may be too much rain if I need to build a bridge to check the mail box.

Swimming Pool - Blessing or sent from Hell !

Swimming Pool - My private curse My kids love animals or should i say - learning about animals. they both like to read books and watch programs about animals. There was a time there for a while that all we ever saw on TV was the show "Animal Kingdom" and the show with Steve Erwin - "the crocodile hunter" - crikie..... The problem is, for as much as they love learning about animals - they are not fond of swimming with animals. You see with all the rain we've been having lately, the swimming pool has become a haven for frogs looking to reproduce. So even though the swimming pool is fun for the kids - it has become a living hell for me... If it rains too much the frogs try to take over the pool with their offspring [ tadpoles ] and if it doesn't - the bugs [ like mosquitoes ] try to use it as a breeding ground. So if I don't want my kids to get sick - I have to follow a ritual: 1- check the pool in the morning to see if clean, pumps working and enough chlor

First time in church & Scared

I ran across an old photo - and thought, this would be fun to share. Going to church and learning about God can be a life changing experience - but this, a photo of kiki’s first time ever in a church when she was only a baby - is hilarious. Oh look at that Face !

Save me from my Bored children

Help, summer too long - kids are running out of things to do. dad needs help - call "rescue parents" quickly. He might not survive... It's amazing isn't - just because your their parent they expect you to keep them occupied and happy. What, when I was growing up all I had was the television set [ only 12 channels provided not the 150 channels kids get today ] and my brothers and sisters - which meant a lot of fighting... But my kids, no they want me to be active, play with them, keep them entertained - Somebody save me....

What's so fuuny about this ?

If you stay still - I can still see you That's not a manly hat - it's not even a mans hat..... Are you looking at me?

I don’t hate you Dad - just don’t want to be you ….

I was playing with the family in the pool this Sunday afternoon - thank God for day light saving time. But while we were having fun playing and laughing, screaming and basically making a fool of myself - there came a moment when I was tired and just wanted to take a breath. Ofcourse kids being kids - they wouldn’t stop. It got to the point where I almost lost my head and just thought of blurting out a yell - “Stop, leave me alone!”.... But it hit me. With no real effort my Dad crossed my mind. My Dad left when I was five and like in true form He started another family some where else. While I never “Hated” my father - I just couldn’t understand why he wasn’t with us - most of my young life I asked one question - why don’t I have a Dad? I wish I had a Dad - I need my Dad! When the news about my father’s death arrived - my Mother asked me “Are you Sad?” I replied with - I feel nothing. I didn’t hate him but I didn’t love him either - I had no feelings. A void, an emptiness… Then I though

using the bathroom in Public ?

Ok, I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid - I was afraid to go to the bathroom. Or should I say of using it - Why? Well, because when I was a kid my older sister decided that it would be funny for her and her friends to barge in while I was using it. Oh the scars...... So I grew up being very wary of being watched when I was - lets say busy doing my thing..... I still find it awkward to this day using public rest rooms. You know, it’s a private thing and having someone in the next stall - takes all the “personal private “ feeling away. But if your not shy and have no problem using the bathroom in public - maybe you’d be interested in using one of these “lavatories”.

Having a bad hair Day

My boy likes to fix his hair. In fact he likes a lot of wierd hair styles. He loves it when his big sister does his hair - she does the spiky thing and he goes wild. but he doesn't like it when you mess up his hair. And he especially hates it when he has a hard time getting it to look right. Considering he doesn't know how to comb his hair correctly.......

My Plans fall Apart ...... NEVER ! .....

My Plans Fall APART..... You, you try to do your best. Make sure you give your family some “Good Quality Time”. You know, as a parent you plan a trip, an outing, a special Barbeque… that’s right, I barbeque… But this weekend, no amount of planning was going to work out as planned. The Canopy was up, the grill was out, the lawn mowed, the pool cleaned and the kids…. Well sleepy and tired. But my plans would go on. I prepared the meat, seasoned it, got the rice - “ FIRST TIME I COOKED RICE ”…. the corn, the green beans, lettuce you name it I had it. I had four cups of coffee before 10 am and still had to keep going to make my plans a success...... That’s when it fell apart: The kids woke up late, the wife didn’t want to get in the pool, and clouds rolled over head. Great - the rain was coming. To make it worst, Flor, Magda’s baby cousin had to go home by two - no one told me…. So I had to put the grill away cause it might rain, while I took the drive into town to take her home by 2 pm. .